Name: Daryl
Age: 22
Senshi Your Applying For: Sailor Neptune, or anyone else you think I fit.
Do you Own Some Sailor Moon... Season Please: Bits and pieces of seaons one and two, all of seasons three through five.
Favorite Season: Toss up between three and five.
Favorite Character: All four outer senshi.
Who Would Your Best Friend Be?: Haruka, Setsuna, and perhaps Ami.
Most Hated Character: Minako.
Any Pets?: Two cats.
You Think You Are (Senshi): Sailor Neptune
Favorite Food: Chicken & broccoli fettuchine alfredo, black olives, chocolate.
Hated Food: Onions, peppers.
School?: I'm finished with school, but did all right when I was there.
Hobbies: Writing, reading, RPing, singing, playing piano and other instruments.
Energy Level: I'm generally a little on the tired side, but I have my moments of hyperactivity.
Your Deams: To become successful in my career, my impending marriage, raise wonderful, healthy children, and to be generally happy.
Give Us FIVE Characteristics You Love About Yourself: Honest, hard working, open minded, loving, creative.
Tell Us About Yourself
This is the section I'm not very good at. I am your typical 22 year old bisexual sailor moon fan. I work long, hard hours in the office (I am in business) to pay the bills, and when away from work fill time with books, music, RPs, friends, and planning my wedding. I have two demon cats that also keep me from being bored. I have spent the better part of my life letting everyone walk all over me, and recently have undergone a transition into a much more self confident woman, I think in part due to my career which requires me to stick up for myself, or take the flames of others. My primary ambition is very un-modern-feminist of me: to have a marriage, children, and be a happy housewife. For a while, and under my terms, at least.
Picture Please! SMILE!
I currently have no way to get pictures of myself on here, due to the ancient computer I am working from. I should be able to edit one in once the hurricanes decide to stop hitting Florida, where my "new computer" is waiting anxiously to be shipped. So, per the rules, a description.
Brown hair, just past my shoulders. Dark brown eyes. Clear skin. Full lips. Glasses. 5'4". Full figured.
Anything I missed, sorry, let me know and I'll edit. Thanks!