Name: Alyssa Claire
Age: 19
Senshi Your Applying For: Makoto/Jupiter
Do you Own Some Sailor Moon... Season Please: I have the first season on tape from when it was still being run on cartoon network.
Favorite Season: SS
Favorite Character: Makoto, we have alot in common.
Who Would Your Best Friend Be?: Minako
Most Hated Character: Chibi-Usa
Any Pets?: Two rats, two hampsters and two ferrets
You Think You Are (Senshi): Jupiter
Favorite Food: Chicken Satay
Hated Food: Anything with onions or peppers
School?: Graduated last year.
Hobbies: Thrifting, Baking, Playing with my animals.
Energy Level: Medium
Your Deams: To open a small animal shelter.
Give Us FIVE Characteristics You Love About Yourself: Sarcastic, Loyal, Good friend, Outgoing, adventurous
Tell Us About Yourself
My name is Alyssa Claire i was given my last name after my mother and great aunt. I was raised in Lowell in a great white victorian house. I enjoy victorian culture, the occult and photography and hope to one day start a animal refuge in quebec.
I enjoy Graveyards, Antiques, Sewing, The Occult and the Victorian era. One day i hope to open a small animal Refuge in Quebec. I presently reside in cloudly new england with my boyfriend and our various rodent children. I am presently employed full-time by maytag in billerica.
Picture Please! SMILE!