summer goin be slow which is g00d dont want to go back to school fuck school dont really need it gotta wake up to early bitchy teachers fuckin homework classes desks school lunch school bell halls lockers fuck it all dont need it
today woke up at 11 then at 12 went out for lunch for fathers day. then right after lunch we went to marshels and i got a purple phoenix jersey and some purple converse its pretty tight lookin then tommarow im gettin a globe trotters jersey.. NEwayz im goin to aint to deck for some $$ so ill write back lata..
umm woke up at 1:30 pm today. laid in bed for a little while, watched the ashlee simpson show. Shes fuckin cute... newayz. Then washed the car for 20 bucks. Now im just watchin MTV cribs....
yea today went by slow woke up at like 3:30pm today to get back the sleep i lost from yesterday. Stayed home for a while since i didnt have to fuckin go to UGA to watch my brothers gay ass band concert up there.. And now im just workin on my CD. Hopefully commin out by sometime in August. Well im goin to go finsish a song pCe