They found my baggage! They told me it's on it's way home now! All my pics from GAFilk, my new books (lots of them signed!!), the items from the interfilk auction, my "Summer and Fall fan T-Shirt", the canvas suit Debbie said I look fabulous in and lots of other memories will arrive soon. Den Göttern sei Dank!!!
I'm home from GAFilk - but my luggage is still travelling! I lost it (actually not me but the Airline)someway in Paris. It was such a great con, maybe my suitcase has gone back
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24 hours and I'm on my way to GAFilk. UT, Summer and Fall and a lot of other friendly faces. Hugs, music, smiles, tears, music, no sleep, banquet, music, join UT for a song, dance, music, auction, filkdealers, oh - and music!
My designated roommate canceled his trip to Atlanta. Anyone still looking for a room to share, or wants to offer a share in his room? Or know of someone how wants ....
Its gonna be cooked Franklin after this weekend. Medieval fair in "Bad Wildbad". They forecasted a sunny weekend - up to 35 degree centigrade in the shade and me in chainmail, helmet etc. Hope there will be no thunderstorm. At least its gonna be fun after a !"§%&/())==*'> week at work. 20 days to go till my vacation starts! TGIF!!!!!
Gonna walk out the officedoor in a few minutes. Thank God! Leaving all that "§$%&'* behind. Looking foreward to visit meritmaat over a extened weekend. TGIF!!!!