[Deadpool's relaxin' on his plastic explosive couch again. At least he would be relaxing if he had reason to feel relaxed. He checks his cell phone for any
voice mail. Still nothing. He lets out an exasperated sigh.]
[Not exasperated enough.]
What am I supposed to do? After my last assignment, I'm in debt...
[Nick Fury's a douche bag.]
Everyone else is too busy with the Secret Invasion™ to hire me...
[Everyone's a douche bag.]
And no one here really needs a mercenary that can't shift into their worlds.
[Well then think of another option.]
That's your job.
[I thought it was my job.]
[It's both our job.]
[Why are there two of us again?]
[I dunno. To represent inner duality or something?]
[Duality, eh? Hey that gives me an idea...]
[Hmm... I see where you're goin' with this...]
[Deadpool stands up and looks upward, sort of yelling to nothing.]
Hey, Wonder Twins, can you hear me? I wanna talk to ya!