Jul 26, 2010 18:25
{The man that suddenly appears on the Plane is gripping a whistle in his hands--there's no coat or pockets to stuff it in that it wouldn't be ridiculously uncomfortable in, so he had to opt for holding it. But now it looks like he might snap it due to suddenly appearing on the Plane}
Jesus fucking christ!!
{He drops to the floor at the sudden vertigo, but manages to not puke. Just barely. But after regaining his composure, he tries again, attempting to laugh it off}
Okay, okay, some weird black magic bullshit, nothing I haven't seen before. No, that's a lie, I've never seen anything like this before. Christ, Juliet, whatever I did, it's not bad enough to warrant sending me to another dimension where I'm about to lose my lunch on a supernova.
{He pauses, like he will, but sighs and stands, holding the whistle more tightly}
Well, seeing as I'm not about to puke all over this nice not-floor, I'll settle for anyone that'll direct me back to London, please.
Bloody hell, is that a ghost?
felix castor (d1) felix castor