[I couldn't resist. I was sitting here, thinking if I should do it, and then went you know what I'm going to rain on Oliver's angry parade.
As you may or may not know, Nathan has been making it a game to ...run over the holograms with his flying horse. He missed one set because he was off the plane eating dinner or something but this time, oh, this time he won't miss.
On his black horse (mid-air, this thing flies, man!), still in his armor, and still with his eyes pure glowing red, he charges at the holograms. By god he will stomp them oh my god that's not entirely a hologram.]
Holy shit!
[Nathan pulls up on the reins to keep his horse from, you know, trying to stomp on Oliver. He loops back so he can blab.]
Oh dear sweet lord. I almost caved your fucking head in.
Uhhhh. No. I mean I hear some stuff as I ride by? But I don't care. Way more fun to run them over than stand around watching what could be a discussion about, I don't know, underwear.
It's a fucking badass idea. It's all the fun of smashing heads open with none of the mess. [A beat.] Oh my god I should do this at home with our holograms. Awesome.
As you may or may not know, Nathan has been making it a game to ...run over the holograms with his flying horse. He missed one set because he was off the plane eating dinner or something but this time, oh, this time he won't miss.
On his black horse (mid-air, this thing flies, man!), still in his armor, and still with his eyes pure glowing red, he charges at the holograms. By god he will stomp them oh my god that's not entirely a hologram.]
Holy shit!
[Nathan pulls up on the reins to keep his horse from, you know, trying to stomp on Oliver. He loops back so he can blab.]
Oh dear sweet lord. I almost caved your fucking head in.
[Nathan's random ideas are taking his mind off the red eyes, at least]
[thoughtfully] Can you even bring that horse home?
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