Sep 06, 2011 00:12
[There's a seemingly familiar young, red-haired soldier stepping forward from the midst of the Plane. He is unarmed but battle-ready with brows furrowed and stern gaze still locked ahead on an unseen goal. Hiding uncertainty with hardened eyes and set jaw, he takes another step forward while studying his surroundings.]
[What he once thought illusion is now a disorienting reality in tangible form both before and around him. He feels like he knows it; his eyes flash with recognition because he's seen bits and pieces of this before. Especially that 'inconspicuous' shop he's seen time and again.
Then, he turns around quickly, spinning on the balls of his feet. Something's behind him--at least, that's what he thinks.]
Who's there!? Come out!
[Even unarmed, he's a force to be reckoned with. He might not be stuck in that trap in Auldrant, but this could just as easily be another one.]
tales of the abyss (d1) asch