[There's a seemingly familiar young, red-haired soldier stepping forward from the midst of the Plane. He is unarmed but battle-ready with brows furrowed and stern gaze still locked ahead on an unseen goal. Hiding uncertainty with hardened eyes and set jaw, he takes another step forward while studying his surroundings.]
[What he once
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He keeps his gaze even and measuring. He should have expected this, too. It's proof that he royally fucked up his own timeline, isn't it?]
So it's true.
Who are you!?
[This is a little weird. More than a little weird. But he's dreamt this before. It's not completely out of the question, he's heard of this happening.
He crosses his arms.]
You must be another 'me' from another world or a different timeline.
Despite that, here and now still seems completely unreal and even impossible.]
Heh. Is that so? [This is just... disgusting. Insulting. How could something like this happen?]
And just what was it you were doing in your own 'timeline' before this?
I was trailing Dist to see if he was leaking information to Mohs.
[And before that...]
Something major occurred in my world recently. It was changed slightly from the original timeline. That's probably why you're here.
Major event--you mean that idiot destroyed the Sephiroth Tree in Akzeriuth. [That stands out as a major event before his spying on Dist.] Or the fall of St. Binah.
[Asch thinks that any of the Outer Lands falling into the Qliphoth would count as a major event. But how the replica saved the people of St. Binah as the town fell makes it sound like a major event, too.]
What do any of those things have to do with me being here?
His eyes narrow somewhat.]
You saw that weird shop, didn't you? The people who own it are the ones who brought you here. You can go back to Auldrant by thinking about it, but you'll never be free of this place. Or them.
It's an experiment. [He practically seethes through the last word.]
[The idea seems to insult his very nature. It sort of reeks of the Score, but at least, in theory, it was possible for Auldrant to be freed of its hold. However, who was to say freedom from the Score was any kind of freedom at all? How did those shop owners take him here? Are they entities powerful enough to maintain an influence as strong as--if not stronger than--the Score?
Asch is still thinking about not being free from here. He hasn't even gotten to the experiment bit that his other self mentioned.]
Can't I just stay in Auldrant by thinking about it all the time!?
[It isn't hopeless. He has to believe that. If he can just get control of the Machine, if he could get access to it like back then...]
...so this is all an experiment. What kind is it? Where will I wind up if I think about Auldrant? The same time and place?
[He folds his arms.]
You'll go back to the same place like nothing happened. It's pretty convenient until it breaks.
I've been trying to access the controls for a while now. I only managed to get to the surveillance panels, which gave me a limited readout of my own file before security shut me out.
So those people who brought us here are the ones who control the machine. How did you get to the surveillance panels?
[That's not even taking into account the different timelines. Things are so messed up.]
The only thing separating them from us is knowledge of how to work the Machine.
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