[SPOILERS] The Day Will Come : a Merlin fanmix feat. the songs of Keane

Jan 05, 2013 09:08

Keane is my all-time favorite band. A few days ago I realized how a lot of their songs remind me of characters and relationships on Merlin. I've never made a fanmix before, but the thought of two things I love together was just too good to pass ( Read more... )

keane, fanmix, merlin

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Comments 10

jesterlady January 5 2013, 02:26:29 UTC
Oh, this makes me so excited! One of my favorite things about a new fandom or ending one is all the songs I become familiar with and start to listen to because of all the vids I watch, but this is perfect too. I always get new music based on what I associate it with, so this is awesome! Thanks.


jesterlady January 5 2013, 07:05:55 UTC
jesterlady January 5 2013, 21:08:49 UTC
Score! Easter Egg Bonus! Thanks muchly.


luxorien January 5 2013, 06:21:54 UTC
Link doesn't work, but my Google-fu is strong. :) Only a few songs in, but these are perfect selections. The art is gorgeous too! Never heard of Keane. Kinda reminds me of Remy Zero for some reason.

Great salve for the post-finale blahs.


realiztic January 5 2013, 07:00:13 UTC
Fixed the link! Also took the time to add the song where I got the mix title -- was wrestling with the idea for the longest while, but I think it's a better conclusion to the mix!

Aww, thank you so much ♥ Yay for introducing Keane to more people!

Glad you like it so far! :)


beeej January 7 2013, 13:21:15 UTC
This sounds excellent! Downloading! Thanks!


realiztic January 9 2013, 15:16:02 UTC
Hope you enjoy it! :)


tsubasa_en11 January 7 2013, 15:46:52 UTC
wow you made an amazing selection! Especially the Mordred's ones! Taking it, thanks so much for sharing :)


realiztic January 9 2013, 15:17:43 UTC
Thank you! :) Those two songs were so clearly Mordred. Enjoy!


misspopuri January 8 2013, 14:11:40 UTC
I only know of 1 maybe 2 songs by Keane, so I'm happy to listen to more especially if the lyrics to those songs remind you so much about Merlin. Can't wait to listen to these xD


realiztic January 9 2013, 15:20:11 UTC
Yay! Hope the songs and the melodies resound with you as they did with me. Tell me what you think (if you have the time :"D). Enjoy!


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