Legendland picspam

Jul 28, 2010 18:37

Commentary by bouncing_chibi
Graphics by reallyally

Once upon a time in a land, far, far away...
Okay, not soooo far away. It’s still within the Midland boundaries.

There was a beautiful princess with gorgeous blonde hair, dainty feet, pretty pink lips. She had the voice of an angel and could rhyme with the best of them. No one could outdo her when it came to embroidery, for every stitch was almost invisible that you almost believed that you were looking at the actual subject.
Uhm... I think we have the blonde hair and pink lips correct. Close enough? The voice of an angel from hell, uh, check! If it was rhyming with the best of the worst, then yes that would be true as well. Oh, would that the stitches were invisible.... But please, continue on.

She had with her two companions: her aging, yet youthful aunt knowledgeable in all courtly matters and her dashing brother, known for his bravado and … swordsmanship.
Although underneath all that makeup I’m sure you can tell that her aunt is… well, for lack of a better phrase, “She’s no lady!” Uh…except for that guy. Yeah, we’re talking about the one crushing on Zedd’s… womanly attributes.

The princess’s brother was famous for many manly exploits. But it was beyond the blond hair and exploits that the Margrave’s sister saw. She saw through to his very heart. They were in love! When the Margrave saw this, he insisted that his sister marry the prince.
Of course we’re still referring to his sword and hunting skills and their…epic? love.
Zedd Cock-Blocking Method #231 - Bang Someone Else. All’s fair in love and war (or rescuing Kahlan).

Our wonderful princess is not only skilled in the daintier aspects of court life, but in falconry as well.
Yeah, that arrow she’s shooting is for that falcon to catc… uhm did we say falconry? We clearly said helping poor defenseless shadrin (out of their misery). And no, that isn’t blood. It’s a fine red silk coming out of that shadrin, see how much she wants to help these poor creatures?

She has a refined palate. Only the best may enter her pink mouth. She is the every essence of charity, offering food from her own plate to others.
Shadrin liver is a delicacy where she comes from so why not share that fact with others who are unaware? It’s best eaten when it’s extra rare…fresh from the beast.

On this particular day the princess was on a quest. A quest to save her most beloved companion: who had equally beautiful hair, but whose appearance at the moment left much to be desired. Yet to a princess with a heart of gold and an even temperament this was no obstacle in the way of a true friendship.
Even if that friendship sometimes results in something more serious than the usual banter.

Past the glittering entourage of the Margrave’s court and their almost hypnotically flapping fans, a more sinister plot lurked behind the scenes.
Like the sinister plot to cancel our show without a fair fight? That kinda plot?

The Sisters of the Dark and their leader: Sister Nicci. A woman who envied the Princess and her companions.
Maybe all she wanted was a fan?

Thankfully, the Princess was doing her royal duty and had attended to other matters.
With her BFF in mind of course.

Sister Nicci found that she was no match for them and decided to live her life among the birds.
In truth it was probably just the way the Princess’s 'brother’ and ‘aunt’ looked that scared the beegeebus out of her.

And they all lived happily ever after...?
Well, not everyone..

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