In case you're interested in my daily activities...
- 00:03 @ JanellCS D: #
- 00:18 *SQUEE* The #trueblood download is done! #
- 00:20 Watching #trueblood for the second time tonight. =D #
- 00:26 "Nom de dieu! Foutre vampires! Juste une source de merde!" #TrueBlood #
- 00:41 watching #TrueBlood . Join me: (What was your favorite scene? Mine was when Sookie went down into the basement of Fangtas…) #
- 00:49 Is this what I think it is? #trueblood
# - 01:37 "Take that back or Imma stick a branch up your butt; prickly end first!" #TrueBlood #
- 01:48 @ KathysSong IT WAS EPIC! #
- 02:04 @ nowgold awwww what's wrong? #
- 02:07 @ tunerfish Can you only get the Truebie award for tweeting during the #trueblood premiere on the east coast? #
- 02:07 @ nowgold That ought'a brighten your mood! Lots of Hoyt! #
- 02:12 @ MrsvanStraten Loved you in the new ep! Pam is so awesome! #trueblood #
- 02:15 Photo: sookehismine: #
- 02:30 @ KiyoMichan Nope, it didn't work. I also have 10 people I got to watch and I didn't get the maker award either. #
- 02:33 @ KiyoMichan I'll just spam them; I'm good at that. XD #
- 02:35 @ tunerfish Sorry to bug you again, but I also influenced 10 people and didn't get the m
aker award. When I click on True Blood, it says zero. # - 02:56 I really want some Sprite and/or 7-up. I'll have to go to the store tomorrow. #
- 02:56 Also, why the hell am I still awake? #
- 02:58 Photo: fuckyeahtabrettbethell: #
- 03:01 @ KeelanHowell Do you have any rooms available? :P #
- 03:02 @ KeelanHowell And to quote Pam from #trueblood "I am not a hooker. That was a very, very long time ago." #
- 03:06 @ epistolary YES! My main goal in life is to get everyone to watch #TrueBlood and #LegendoftheSeeker. #
- 03:07 I think I'll watch The Tudors and then go to bed. #
- 03:10 Is it bad that I want to watch the new #TrueBlood episode for the third time? =/ #
- 03:13 @ epistolary Yeah, its not perfect. You grow to like it more and more as it goes on. I didn't like it when I first watched it. #
- 03:18 Boo, why has no one uploaded The Tudors yet? Epic fail! #
- 03:27 I guess I'll just go to bed now... maybe I'll read for a bit, first. #
- 13:15 @ chicwan ohhh you should!!! I have one and it's aweome. #
- 13:42 I slept way too late today. #
- 15:27 @ pieeatingchamp DO WANT #
- 15:32 Today's my mom's birthday, so we're going out for Mexican. YUMMEH!!!! #
- 15:46 @ KeelanHowell watch more #trueblood!!! That always makes me feel better. #
- 16:24 @ violensi *huggles* #
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