In case you're interested in my daily activities...
- 23:59 I don't have the energy to play on the internet right now... I just wanna watch Alice in Wonderland and go to bed. #
- 00:26 Photo: #
- 01:11 The blue caterpillar sounds like Alan Rickman. I must check imdb. #
- 01:12 bahahahaha I knew it. #
- 02:00 @ epistolary HEE! I <3 Alan Rickman. #
- 02:26 Holy crap. Is that Christopher Lee I hear? This movie just went from 'meh' to awesome. #
- 02:42 @ JanellCS The break-dancing was a bit random, but I kind of liked it. #
- 02:43 @ epistolary It's a little strange, but I liked it. I don't get why everyone hated it. #
- 02:47 And..... I need to sleep now. #
- 02:51 @ rain_bow_road I love Indian Spiced Chai!!!!!!! With milk omg. #
- 03:07 Photo: pixarmovies: #
!! *flails* @BethellBethell # - 12:02 @ pieeatingchamp wahhhhh #
- 12:02 @ Hawt_Ally Chris is a party pooper #
- 12:13 @ pieeatingchamp ohhh yeas, I've seen that! So awesome. #
- 12:13 @ pieeatingchamp and ignore that extra 'A' in yes. #
- 12:26 I went from feeling good to feeling awful in under 5 minutes. I hate families. #
- 12:41 Photo: fuckyeahlordoftherings: #
- 12:50 @ vaidah *hugs* #
- 12:51 @ Crmroof Are they better than the peanut butter ones? Now THOSE are real crack. #
- 13:00 I love it when @donttrythis makes a LotR reference on mythbusters. #
- 14:13 Photo: fuckyeahtruebloodhbo: #
- 14:24 @ carpenyx awww so cute! #
- 14:25 There's a bunny hopping around in my backyard. ^_^ #
- 14:34 @ vaidah valdair, I think. I dunno about the spelling, though. #
- 14:35 @ KeelanHowell HA! I've been in a bad mood for longer. #
- 14:44 @ vaidah :D #
- 14:53 @ burntotears I'm guilty of that =\ #
- 16:18 @ KeelanHowell Narnia? Pffft, I keep o
ne of my shoes at Fangtasia. # - 16:55 Photo: sookehismine: #
- 17:44 I need food and we have none!!! D: #
- 20:43 @ chicwan *moves there* #
- 20:46 @ pieeatingchamp Yeah, it's on HBO's character list... I can't remember the name and I'm not following the acct #
- 20:47 @ chicwan I really wish I could because I am so not happy here... #
- 20:48 @ pieeatingchamp It's @TaraBonTemps #
- 20:49 @ chicwan it's only getting worse... =( #
- 20:50 *hides from everything* #
- 20:52 @ nowgold I am not having a fun day. =( #
- 20:52 @ Luinorne I dunno. #
- 20:53 @ nowgold YES! :D *stares at screencaps* #
- 20:58
Photo: sookehismine: # - 21:02 @ chicwan I don't have the funds, unfortunately. #
- 23:13 @ pieeatingchamp grill me some chicken! #
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