Hey Mikey! An update!

May 08, 2005 20:52

Happy day after your birthday, Summer. I'm sorry I didn't call you yesterday. My allergies were going nuts and I slept most of the morning and then had to get stuff done before prom. But don't worry. I didn't go guitar looking without you. Let's try to do it sometime this week, okay?

Cheri Kay, Christine, ME, Danielle

Dress problems.

New dress.

Laura and her prom-o-rama hottness.

Prom was okay. Yeah .. it was ... okay. I suppose in some ways it was better than last year and in a few ways it wasn't as good.

We ate at Cheri's house. Her mom made us dinner -- fruit salad, salad and bread, and fettucini alfredo with dessert by Danielle, apple crumb stuff with vanilla ice cream. It was good. Cheri's dad dressed up in a suit and was our waiter. It was cute. When dinner came to a close, Christine's dress's zipper came to an open. It broke! It was so sad. We tried and tried to fix it, but in the end, she ran over to a friend's house and borrowed one of her dresses. I felt so bad for her because she was sooooooo excited about her dress and then it broke. Then Cheri lost her ID. It ended up being at Cracker Barrel. She had put her special, clear Cracker Barrel purse thing on top of her car and drove off. It fell off in the parking lot and one of her very nice coworkers found it for her. I totally called it. I told her that was probably what happened, but she was so certain that just couldn't have been the case.

Anyway, we made it to prom by about a quarter to nine. The music was awful, of course. But they were showing old silent movies (the theme was the 1920's) and those were fun. I don't know why everyone makes such a huge deal about prom. Kids spend hundreds of dollars just to go to a warehouse and dance to rap music. But it was pretty fun anyway, though it got boring because of the crappy music and the 42609752 kids making out and having sex through their clothes. The highlight of the dance was probably Laura doing the worm in her dress and announcing very loudly to the world that she wasn't wearing any underwear. I laughed so hard my stomach hurt. It was awesome.

Prom-o-rama was okay, though I went around the circle about fifty times and never won a prize at that stupid prize walk thing. How disappointing. I did a little bit of winning at the black jack tables. Then Cheri Kay and I gave our winnings to Jessica to give to Spencer because we didn't care. We left early because Cheri had a curfew and Danielle didn't want to be out too late. We probably could have worked things out so I could have stayed the whole time, but I really wanted to sleep.

And sleep I did. I didn't go to church this morning -- which is a first. Last year, I got maybe two hour's sleep or something and still went to church in the morning, but this year, I slept and slept. Then I spent the rest of the day just being lazy and watching TV. That Elvis. He sure can act ...

Tomorrow is the AP Music Theory test. (A big reason why I chose to do a bunch of sleeping.) Wish me luck.

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