Some very sad news to report......

Jul 06, 2006 06:08

I had to put my oldest cat to sleep yesterday. His name was Elmo and he was 13. A couple of years ago he had a bout with kidney problems, but he had been doing pretty good. A couple of weeks ago he started having accidents, missing the litter box, and one night he even peed in my bed, with me in it. He wasn't eating very much, he was sleeping ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

the_minx_17 July 6 2006, 11:03:38 UTC

We lost Cody Cat *points to icon* not too long ago. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


realm_of_red July 6 2006, 22:07:16 UTC
Thanks hon for your thoughts and prayers. Cody cat was a pretty baby!


gjaneo July 10 2006, 18:11:50 UTC
*big hugs*

I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost 4 cats last year, and it feels like it's a member of the family missing.


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