"Troy, you're home!"
"Hi, sweetheart." He takes her kiss eagerly, slipping possibly more tongue into it than absolutely necessary. "Hope you had a good day. Sorry I had to go off- Walter needed a couple things."
"Oh, don't you worry, hon." She grins mischeviously. "I was just figuring out a good way to fuck up dinner. I think I might've gotten the chicken noodle soup down."
"Julie," Troy says, smiling. He grabs her by the waist and swings her around in a circle. Julianna is petite and very easy to swing, especially when she automatically hangs onto your shoulders. She's used to this already.. "You don't need to cook, you silly girl. I can bring something back or we could go out. I know a few places." He walks into the kitchen, still carrying her. "It smells absolutely wonderful. Do you know how long its been since I had soup?"
"I do. That's why I made it for you. Even made the noodles, which you can probably tell." She laughs and points them out- they are indeed rather strange looking.
I'm tired of going out, Troy. It seems like that's all we ever do anymore.
He laughs, too. "I'm impressed! They at least look somewhat like noodles. Do you know what we'd get if I tried making it? I don't even think the soup would be recognizable."
We don't talk, so we might as well go out. You know how important it is for me to stay social.
"Probably not. You're even more hopeless than me. That's why I love you." She takes his face in her hands and pulls his lips to hers. They've been married for so many years already (right?), but she'd never get tired of kissing him.
Important, Troy? You like it, don't pretend you don't. More than me. ...More than anything.
Julie, you KNOW that's not true. You're more important to me than anything. Why do you keep thinking-
He lets the kiss linger until it threatens to turn into something else entirely, then pulls away and smiles at her. "Hon...dinner. We should eat. If there's any left over, we can take it over to Liz. I'd bet she'd like something real."
It's not just me thinking it! How come you can see everyone else's problems, but you have no clue about us?! Or me? Do you even know who I am?
She mock-pouts for a few seconds before relenting. "All right, party pooper. I'll just have to seduce you some other time, I guess. Sure you'll hate that." She smirks at him, an expression she's worked hard at replicating from Troy's face. It'll never be as good as his, but it looks good on her. She starts pouring the soup into bowls.
Do you even know who I am?
Troy frowns at the bowls of soup. This is how it's supposed to be, but....unsatisfying.
He's not strong enough to question why.