This is the first post for Hellboy, Kate, Warren, and Leon. If you are on one of the other teams, please do not read this post until the game is over! The information contained herein could give some things away!
He'd taken a deep breath, closed his eyes and stepped through the hole, something John had once told him about holes and wombs going through his mind as he willingly walked into a place most tried to escape from. It might have been that deep breath that served him well when he realized he wasn't standing in the middle of a room but at the bottom of some murky well
( ... )
The holes never lead anywhere worth going. That's one thing Hellboy learned fast. Descent and suffering through this twisted wreck of a reality is the only way to save Liz, though, and so he'll do whatever needs doing
( ... )
Kate was trying to breathe normally - stay calm, just close your eyes and step in.
She exhales and is suddenly struck with the realization that she can't breathe, because there's simply no oxygen to breathe - she's underwater.
So much for remaining calm. Blind instinct kicks in and she kicks and flails, hand connecting with a wall of some sort. Desperate, she claws at her belt to release something, anything, to lose enough weight to get to the surface.
The water tastes metallic. Her eyes burn, her lungs scream for air, and she can't see the surface, oh God please don't let me drown here before I even have a chance -She explodes out of the water, coughing and gasping for air, grabbing for something to pull herself out of the water. She grasps a ledge of some sort and hauls herself up and out, stumbling and falling onto the ground
( ... )
The damn pictures shouldn't matter, he knew that. It was just a symbol of a memory but it pissed him off to no fucking end that the one goddamn thing he'd brought with him was ruined the moment he stepped into the world
( ... )
The demon's left hand is already on the knob for the morgue door when he hears his friend's voice.
In spite of the sick smell of the place and the looming dark and sense of danger, he manages to smile when he knows he isn't entirely alone. Though, he hates that she has to go through this as well. And soon he hears Warren as well and turn to return the boy's 'hey', if a little warmer than Warren's own.
"This looks like our best bet. Hold back while I get the door open. We don't know what's in there."
((You can reply here. I'm making a new thread for the new room as well))
When the door is thrust open no monsters, shadows or walking nightmares leap out at them. Only the horrific stench of burnt and rotting flesh and that thick presence of death that hangs everywhere in this world. Hellboy brings his arm up to cover his nose and mouth and his eyes narrow on the scattered bodies.
He made it to the door, and stopped as if hitting a brick wall. Hell hitting a brick wall would have been better. His stomach rolled and he felt acid rise in the back of his throat. He hadn't even gotten past the stench and already he was reading to be sick.
Stepping around Kate a little, he got his first real view. "Oh fuck,' he grunted, tasting that stench on his tongue and gagging. Turning away, rubbing his mouth hard as he forced himself to swallow, finding that nearly impossible.
Leon made his way into the room, but the smell of the place was just, guh. It made his stomach turn. The grotesque corpses that littered the room were an all too familiar sight for Leon, causing him to pull his gun out and keep it ready. Never know when one could jump up at any moment. He paused, though, to look at the charred corpse that half out of one of the drawers there and shook his head.
The light, though, was coming from a strange source, deep inside of a hole in the wall, so he went a head to take a closer look.
Leon stepped through the hole, not knowing what was going to be next. All he could tell was that it was dark... really dark. Every other light source started to fade away, and before Leon could reach for his own flashlight, something in the air made his eyes burn.
There was a sharp intake of what Leon had expected to be air, but turned out to be something else. Some kind of liquid, with a lead taste, and some of it got into his lungs and was choking him. He was suddenly surrounded by water, but how the hell did he end up there without realizing it? He tried to move, but the 9mm gun he was holding struck something solid unexpectedly and he dropped it. Fucking hell, and he liked that gun too.
Alright, stay calm Leon. Situation has changed. Evaluate and deal with it.And that's what he does. He stops struggling to breathe, since there is no air to breathe. He pulls out his flashlight, but that doesn't seem to work for him right now. Fine with him. He starts to move up, feeling his way around to find that he's in a very confined space
( ... )
Hell boy checks the doors and only the ones they've been through already seem to budge at all. The flashlight, even at a distance behind him, allows enough light for him to see decently, though not near so well as it should. This place eats light and life and leaks out only decay.
After the doors, only the elevator is left. The panel indicates that they're currently in the basement. Only one way to go from here. "So, kids... Going up?"
Still nothing useful in any of the hallways. Leon is just as accustomed to being left on his own with very little when it comes down to it. He'd just rather not be.
When he got to the elevator, it seemed to be functioning.
"Looks like we don't have a choice." He stood by the door, holding it open so others could get on.
Her instinct is to stand as close to Hellboy as possible. Not just because he's the only person that she really knows here, but because he's saved her ass so many times that she just always feels a bit safer around him. And she needs that right now. She likes to think she's gotten better at handling stuff that's just downright creepy, but this place... something about this place just scares her. A lot.
He isn't trying to be a dick, but attitude and anger are about all Warren has left going for him. "So, this is the point where we find out this isn't the basement and this bitch goes plummetting, right?'
Ah, yes, ever the optimist even as he slipped in, pressing his back against the wall. He eyes Hellboy and fights not to make comments about this thing and weight limits.
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She exhales and is suddenly struck with the realization that she can't breathe, because there's simply no oxygen to breathe - she's underwater.
So much for remaining calm. Blind instinct kicks in and she kicks and flails, hand connecting with a wall of some sort. Desperate, she claws at her belt to release something, anything, to lose enough weight to get to the surface.
The water tastes metallic. Her eyes burn, her lungs scream for air, and she can't see the surface, oh God please don't let me drown here before I even have a chance -She explodes out of the water, coughing and gasping for air, grabbing for something to pull herself out of the water. She grasps a ledge of some sort and hauls herself up and out, stumbling and falling onto the ground ( ... )
In spite of the sick smell of the place and the looming dark and sense of danger, he manages to smile when he knows he isn't entirely alone. Though, he hates that she has to go through this as well. And soon he hears Warren as well and turn to return the boy's 'hey', if a little warmer than Warren's own.
"This looks like our best bet. Hold back while I get the door open. We don't know what's in there."
((You can reply here. I'm making a new thread for the new room as well))
"Aw..crap. It' guess. ... Jeez."
Stepping around Kate a little, he got his first real view. "Oh fuck,' he grunted, tasting that stench on his tongue and gagging. Turning away, rubbing his mouth hard as he forced himself to swallow, finding that nearly impossible.
The light, though, was coming from a strange source, deep inside of a hole in the wall, so he went a head to take a closer look.
There was a sharp intake of what Leon had expected to be air, but turned out to be something else. Some kind of liquid, with a lead taste, and some of it got into his lungs and was choking him. He was suddenly surrounded by water, but how the hell did he end up there without realizing it? He tried to move, but the 9mm gun he was holding struck something solid unexpectedly and he dropped it. Fucking hell, and he liked that gun too.
Alright, stay calm Leon. Situation has changed. Evaluate and deal with it.And that's what he does. He stops struggling to breathe, since there is no air to breathe. He pulls out his flashlight, but that doesn't seem to work for him right now. Fine with him. He starts to move up, feeling his way around to find that he's in a very confined space ( ... )
After the doors, only the elevator is left.
The panel indicates that they're currently in the basement. Only one way to go from here.
"So, kids... Going up?"
When he got to the elevator, it seemed to be functioning.
"Looks like we don't have a choice." He stood by the door, holding it open so others could get on.
Her instinct is to stand as close to Hellboy as possible. Not just because he's the only person that she really knows here, but because he's saved her ass so many times that she just always feels a bit safer around him. And she needs that right now. She likes to think she's gotten better at handling stuff that's just downright creepy, but this place... something about this place just scares her. A lot.
Ah, yes, ever the optimist even as he slipped in, pressing his back against the wall. He eyes Hellboy and fights not to make comments about this thing and weight limits.
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