first things first. we're all home, and baby's name is Thorin. manthing's reasoning - it was the only name on the list that neither Indians nor Americans could butcher. (well, my texas accent drawls it out to something approximating 'thorn', but i'm working on it)
we both liked the name riordan, but sadly, the kiddo wasn't going for it.
so, i promised the NICU staff to give the kiddo bottles of formula and not take him out in public, and in return they let us all go home friday night. also, i think the case manager for the insurance company (yes, the insurance company HIRED an independent case manager to VERIFY baby was actually in NICU) wasn't impressed with the severity of little kidling's condition. i was mightily glad of that callous adherence to the bottom line.
until i tried to get an appointment with a pediatrician. and found out that for some reason, this insurance company is not bound by texas state law, which requires that newborns are covered under the mother's insurance for the first 30 days. instead, they are bound by new york state law, and that gives us only 48 hours to add the baby to the policy.
which means most of that NICU stay? not covered.
manthing is ready to murderate someone, mostly because he doesn't want to spend weeks on resolving this, but now he has to.
but that's not currently my problem. my current problem is figuring out how to clone myself. i had it down to a science with the boy-type thing, but i am woefully out of practice. and thorin, while what most people would call an 'easy' baby, has his limits before he resembles his thunderous namesake.