Hello, I wonder if you'd all mind having a look at this? I am very keen to develop my writing skills, and would welcome any advice you could give me. I haven't written a lot, but out of what I have written I rather like this - and would be grateful for any suggestions as to how I can make it better (plus, pimping your work to a wider audience is
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Comments 2
Otherwise I have two minor comments.
You shift between addressing your narrator as Snape and Severus. Unless you envision Severus Snape addressing himself as Snape, I'd stick with Severus.
so he brought his hand forward and opened it out. Shouldn't that say opened it up?
You have a very witty and readable writing style. Keep up the good work.
As for the other comments, yes indeed it should be 'up' rather than 'out' when referring to Snape's hand - I can't believe we missed that! The Snape/Severus thing is also a good point. I had previously wondered about the references to Severus - it seems that in a lot of fic he is constantly referred to as Snape, when all the other characters are referred to by their first names. This has always puzzled me, and I did make a conscious effort not to do it - but I guess I'm more of a sheep than I realised ( ... )
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