Forget Dinner

Mar 17, 2006 17:11

Title: Forget Dinner
Author: PapayaCrazy
Genre: Fluff (Romance)
Audience: [Almost Anyone]
Pairing: Hermione/Percy
Warnings: Plotless Fluff
Length/Complete?: 595 Words - Complete
Summary: In which Hermione convinces Percy to forget dinner... and work.

Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Notes: I warned you, this is plotless fluff.

"Forget Dinner"

"Percy? Are you in there?" a jovial voice called from outside the shut bedroom door.

"Yes mother!" he replied rolling his eyes. Percy skimmed though the chapter of the big Runes book. The curves and edges were starting to give him a headache.

"It's three hours past dinner Percy! Come down and eat. You haven't even had any lunch either."

"I'll be out soon mother. Just one more chapter."

Molly sighed, "Don't overwork yourself dear."

Percy sat rubbing his temples until his mother's footsteps faded into the distance. He sat there for a few minutes, contemplating the passage he just read. Making a few notes onto the parchment next to him, he looked again at the strange symbols.

A knock on the door interrupted his focus. Percy almost sighed in the hopes of a break; even it was just Fred and George coming to taunt him. He hated the work but it was necessary for his job.

After the war, he had ditched his dream of being the right hand man to the minister. Percy had finally realized how brainwashing the ministry could be. He moved to another department where he quickly advanced up the ladder. Now he was the head of the department and everything was more demanding than ever.

Not only did he switch goals, but he also moved back into the Burrow again. His parents had welcomed him with open arms but his siblings took a little more work. He couldn't blame them. If he were in their shoes, he wouldn't forgive himself right away either.

"Come in!" he called.

The door cracked open a bit and a brown haired head peeked through the sliver. "Percy?"

"Come in and close the door," he said smiling at the young woman who looked curiously into the room.

She smiled back and slipped through the door. She turned around to shut it, twisting the lock to assure they got no unwanted visitors.

Percy marveled at how she could make him smile with simple actions and how she could make him forget his worries with a single kiss. Why did she choose a git like him to give her affections to? He was sure there were plenty better suited men than him in the world. He mentally shook the thought from his head.

"Why didn't you stop by earlier?" he asked as she faced him again.

"I didn't want to bother you. You seemed so intent on the book," she replied straddling his legs and wrapping her ankles around the chair leg. "It's taking too much of your bloody time, so I figured that I'll bring myself to you rather than wait for you to come to me."

He smirked, "You know I'm still working right?"

"Well too bad Percy. It's not nice to neglect your girlfriend," she said pulling at his tie so his forehead bumped against hers.

Closing the remaining distance, he kissed her. Her soft lips were warm and moist, nothing like his chapped, rough ones.

"Hermione, I'm never going to get this done if you stay here," he said, trying his hardest to send her a stern look.

"Well then, that's a good thing. Now shut up," she said taking off his glasses and working to undo the knot in his scarlet colored tie.

"Mum's expecting me to come down to dinner soon."

"Forget dinner," she said working on the buttons of his shirt, "we have better things to do."

"Hermione dear, what-"

"Oh do shut up," she scolded.

Percy just laughed and kissed her. His lioness was so stubborn.

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