posted this over at
dw100. First (finished) Doctor Who fic...
Title: Unexpected
Characters: Could be any, but I was thinking of Rose and 9/10
Length: 100
Rating: G
No Spoilers
Challenge: 147 "Ice and Snow"
It happened often enough. Expect snow, get sun. Expect beaches, get mountains. Expect the swinging (nineteen) sixties, get the stodgy eighteen sixties. You got to a point where you knew to check the door view before going out, just to see how wrong you’d gone this time. So when she’d been promised a beautiful place, and saw nothing but icecaps out the front door, she figured it was just another error.
Until she stepped out, into the stinging cold and saw the incredible, technicolour light show snaking across the sky above her. For once, it was everything he’d promised her.