like cher.
I'd do it all differently.
and I find myself saying that a lot, there is something seriously wrong with me and my bad choices. but I just cant stand when people sit and judge me about it. or tell me where I went wrong. I know where I went wrong, i'm just venting. but HONESTLY. We all make bad choices in life and its just up to us to learn from them and live out the rest of our lives. ugh.
blah. i hate me.
im in arcata visiting my brothers girlfriend, with him and mike d. Mike is pretty much a huge buzzkill, i didnt know that til now, he honeslty rubs everyone the wrong way.
I remember driving up here one time and looking up into the sky and looking at all the stars and just how many there were compared to socal. and it made me tear up and i cried, cause i wanted to share it with someone.
i feel like that now.