YAYYY, C'est finalement vendredi <3 I have no idea why but this week has been awful!!
This week started out really shittily. I spent the whole weekend feeling really ill, and didn't really do any of my hwk until late Sunday evening, which meant that I didn't finish most of my work til just gone 11, and even then, I had only half written up my essay. When I awoke on Monday I felt 10 times worse, but I reallly had no choice to do anything but go in because at the moment I think I'd find it really hard to catch up on all the lessons that I missed -- especially seeing as I have 5 lessons and a test period two, which I would have to do regardless. The worst thing was though that the only girl in my maths class [I do double maths, and there are only 8 of us and although I get along with the other 6 boys, that don't exactly go out of their ways to help me!!] was off ill because she had a 'bad cold'. IT ANNOYED ME SOOOOO MUCH, especially seeing as the week before she was like 'Oh, I hate it when people miss schools because of colds' -- hypocrite much?! That's just another rant reallyy xD Oooooh, I also finnaalllyyyy got my C1 exam mark backk -- I managed to get an A!!! And I was the second highest in the class, only 3% behind Rob -- GRRR ONE DAY I WILL BEAT THAT BOYY AT SUMMIIINNN!!!! xD Not that I'm competitive or anythingg... honestt!!
When I woke up on Tuesday, I didn't really feel too much better, but I was like 'I've really gotta go in.' The first lesson which I had was Mechanics and we got our mock tests back from the day before. I was completely annoyed with my marks -- I got a U. I've never ever ever ever got that low before!! On the plus side [if you can call this a plus side] everyone else's grades were around the same mark and I was the third highest out of the 8 of us! Then I had French where I got shouted at for being crap at French and for learning all my vocab. Gawd, how I hate that teacher! Hmm, can't really remember too much else happening -- OH GAWD yeah. Every week I get twenty minutes one to one with the French assistant, and we basically have little conversations about things which could come up in my mocks and I hate it because my French really, really isn't very good at all! But yeah, because my friend was still off ill, she usually has her 20 minutes before me so I decided that it would be easier if I went during that time rather than mine own and the woman decided to speak to me the whole way through my time as well, I was likee GRRR!! xD
Wednesday was odd. I got to school to discover that my French teacher was doing Year 11 mocks, so we didn't have her. Then I had Core maths, then Chem where we watched the teacher do a kind of fractional distilliation on fake crude oil, which resulted on him burning though a rubber tube and sending the stuff all over the placee -- tres marrant! Thenn I got to Stats fourth to find out that the teacher was giving us extra time on a test we did last week, and so as soon as we finished that -- which I did in like 15 minutes -- she let us go back to the common room. Then I had a free last anyway, and my critical teacher wasn't in, so I only had likee 2 lessons, it rawkkedd!!
Thursday was quite similar, both of my French teachers were doing Year 11 mocks and my Chem teacher was on a course. And then we had Critical Thinking after school, which was kinda dossy. I mean, I just sat there and doodled allll over the cover of my pad of paper whilst I listened to two boys arguing like normal, sometimes I wonder why the rest of us bother going, no-one else can ever get a word in edgeways! Gahh, and the girl I walk to school with really pissed me off, because she kept really moaning about one of the boys [he has aspergers] and she kept saying, 'God, does he ever shut up? It's really annoying I can't concentrate. I wish he'd stop going,' which I thought was really, really harshh! I mean afterall, he can't help what he's like. I mean, he has been in my classes since Year 9, but I'm not sure what she's complaining about, she only spends two hours a week with him, I have to spend all of my Chemistry lessons with him, and in a majority of them I sit next to him!! He's also in my form... I really can't get away from him! xD
Today, wasn't too bad, I s'pose! I had triple maths which wasn't too bad -- our teacher brought in fizzy drinks and cakes for us for our second period lesson which was really good because we ate and drank whilst we did a past paper! xD And in our lesson fourth period, we split into two teams and we raced to see who could get the most points for a load of past questions -- and guess who's team wonn??? Okayy, we did cheat slightlyy, but who cares? xD Hmm, my chem teacher also wasn't in third, so I spent that chatting to my old bestfriend from primary school -- which was fun! Then last we had French, which confuzzled my brain as usuall!!!! Oh, I am doomed to really, really, really fail that subject no matter hard I try with it! I also had to go shopping this evening in order to buy my mum some birthday presents for next Sunday, but we bought like nothing because none of us lot know what to buy her -- even my dad didn't and he expected us to!! GRRR xD
Woooaaahhh, if you read that, I will lovee you for eternityyy <3 xxxx