June in photo form!

Jun 30, 2009 22:16

our youth group's summer retreat, I mentioned a bit about it in previous posts

our hotel ♥

eighties night

rock star night

sunrise service

our unsuccessful "jumping" photo

the boys did it better

It was my first time legitimately camping with a tent and lanterns and bug spray- the whole nine. I had a blast.

dew pong tournament, of course

Micajah being a nuisance


this is Ryan- his foot is bandaged because he was clever enough to play frisbee with a machete swinging from his hip. needless to say, the harness wasn't fastened; he's lucky his Achilles tendon wasn't sliced to bits

me being a nuisance

best of friends

my first Dew of the night, the first of many that followed

I promise we don't get paid for this


the springs


our site

they're silly


She's moving back! Nikki's moving back! Her school in New York didn't work out for her, she hasn't divulged many details to me yet but she's really unhappy with how it's run and knows she'd be miserable if she were to stay so she's comin' home and leaving again for ODU in the Fall. I'm confused 'cause initially, she was ecstatic about being in NYC for the year but grateful for a few more weeks of adventure with her :)

It's been a really great month. I had to split the photos from D.C. into another post 'cause it would've been jpeg overload had I included them but anywaaay, this is my summer!

photo post

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