Wow. This past weekend has been nothing but interesting.
Friday I had work. It wasn't bad. Friday night I went out to dinner with Lee-Ann and Dan. Whoa that was odd. I mean...she's cheating on him...he knows it and they're being 'friends' it's so weird. And I'm so pissed off at Lee-Ann for reasons that I shouldn't say...but she pisses me off and I
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Oh man it has been one hell of a day. I had my religion exam today that was a joke. Tomorrow's my last day. I have math in the morning then I'm done motherfucker
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Today started off alright. I had my art exam...which went really well. She loved it. Plus I found out that I got an award for my drawing I did for the midterm, so all together school wasn't bad
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I'm so bored. Today was just marginal at best. It's a shame. I had my physics exam wasn't bad at all. Now I just have to finish my art exam and I'm set for worrying...oh fun
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Ok so today wasn't a bad day at all. I had to wake up at 8:30 to go to the parade but it was over fast. Ruth and I tried to find meaty...that didn't work out. So sad. Oh well there shall be other stalking opportunities.
After that I went home pretty much did nothing for a while. Then I went out with Jen. That was a fun time. We just went out '
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I'm really bored so I stole this from Chris. Plus I wanted to see if I could get every letter filled. Lets see how many I can do woo!
in each space, write a band (That you actually like!) that begins with that letter. A: AC/DC B: between arms C: converge D: dexter danger E: the Exit F: From Autumn to Ashes G: get up kids H: the Higher [hahaha] I: Incubus J
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Today was alright. Nothing really happened. I'm started to get a little stressed out about school ending. I have so many papers to write for the end of this week it's killing me! Exams are soon and I still am yet to start my art exam. That will probably get started Saturday or Sunday...that's an easy A though. Ugh enough about school it's gettin me
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