Morning of my first 8K race, mental checklist.
Peanut butter and banana sandwich eaten. Check.
Tight fitting jog bra of +2 against egregious bounceage. Check.
Loose fitting clothing, race number attached in such a way as to hide gut. Check.
Anti-blister runner's socks of comfort. Check.
Shiny silver sneakers, race RFID tag attached to laces. Check.
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Comments 4
-- I need one of like +20 against egregious bouncage and +20 against blackening ones own eyes
Anti-blister runner's socks of comfort
--Dude, where does one find those? I SO need a pair or 8. Just walking on the treadmill kills my sensative secretary tootsies. Brand name? price? place of purchase? seriously!
As for socks, I got them on clearance at Road Runner sports. Sorry I didn't keep the info. But I know that sports stores have socks for runners. They keep your feet dry, reduce friction, yadda yadda.
you are awesome!
Tim and I are doing the 3day susan g komen in October.
60 miles, 3 so in trouble.
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