Avenged Sevenfold
with black tide + bloodsimple
black tide
I missed most of their set so you cant take my word too serious but what i saw didn't impress me much. The drummer at times seemed to be trying drumming beyond hes actual capability. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and blamed it at 1st on the acoustics as i was stood just under the balcony. however when bloodsimple and avenged took the stage they sounded fine so draw your own conclusion. I later heard that the band are only kids. If that's true then they didn't do too bad. I was expecting something a little tighter from a band supporting the mighty a7x. They didn't exactly blow and they did put the effort in so I wish them all the best with their future.
The first thing i noticed was ok fuck me that guy can wail. Excellent vocals, reminded me in a way of seeing corey taylor live. The rest of the band were also pretty on top. Personally not really my type of band but I may just be downloading a track or too. They entertained the crowd and played without fucking up. What more can you ask fro in a support band?
avenged sevenfold
I'll start by saying no they aren't the best band ive seen live but that's down to two things one ive seen so many bands live from maiden to crue to so i never expected them to be. However i could put them on a par with alice cooper. That's not bad going really is it? the 2nd reason is not the bands fault its the dumb ass bitches who go to the show. who screech badly over the top on seize the day so i can't hear it. They also seemed incapable of keeping a simple chant or clap going let alone get the que right for "i'm not insane". I feel for bands who are stuck with berks for fans. Back to the show, i'll talk about the band by band member.
Syn was A class. I know from the albums that he can play but to if somebody can play like that live is the real challenge and hell yeah he can. I think i noticed him maybe slip a little once but only a little. Ive seen slash play last year and this kid is just as good as.
Matt, Its not that i don't like matt. ive always appreciated him as a singer but i have a whole new respect for him as a front man now. Some people are just made to be up front and shadows is one of them. The vocals seemed to miss a bit now and again but given what he has to hit, the crowd and the acoustics and his forever up and down the stageness. You can't fault the guy.
Johnny..oh poor johnny. We short people have to stick up for other short people but that aside, aww bless him. He seems to be last of the list with people going nuts for shadows shades, syn's calvin klein looks, zacky's..whatever and revs amazing weirdness but this boy must have your respect. I often feel the bassist is under appreciated they help drive the song while the guitarists show off and that's just what he did the. he fucking power steered that shit from that to finish.
Mr fucking vengeance. Always the butt of my jokes but now i can really see why he is forever being chased by all this jailbait. Looks asides (as always) hes a real performer. Not that you cant tell with the others but you really tell he loves to perform. His playing it fantastic. congraguwelldone zacky. you may have a pie.
Now, now, now, now, now...Jimmy. supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.. basically. Ive always liked the rev. I love drummers, I love multi-talent and i love plain freaky. Yet he still blew me away. You just have to listen to him play for yourself. Ive said ive seen aload of good bands and so ive heard load of good drummers. Jimmy has to be one of the best. Its all very well playing good and he can (well he plays more than just"good" but you get my point) but when he plays you can just tell its jimmy playing even with your eyes shut and not knowing the whats being played to you. To me that's what makes a real drummer. In a none fan girl way. You can really get off listening to him play. i'm not kidding. I now must add this guy up to the top of my list along side with tommy lee
Overall the set list was good and coverd all aspects of their sound. The band was tight the crew did a excellent job and set up and sound the stage performance was what you expect from a band of this status and never before has a song made me want to cry and fuck at the same time, thank you very much Unholy Confessions.
This band can only get better and now ive said that they better not fuck it up.
I can has pinkly smooth now plz?