Han asks Bar for a room key since he might as well catch some sleep while he's not floating through space and in danger of being in the midst of one of the biggest battles the Alliance has ever seen.
Of course, his sleep is anything but peaceful.
The Falcon is a solid ship, but of course she always needs repairs. It's like things he fixes don't stay fixed. Something's always breaking.
"C'mon Chewie, hold her straight," he hollers. "I can't do anything if she's rumblin' around like this!"
There's no reply from his first mate but Han passes it off as Chewie being grumpy. Whatever. The big oaf just needs to keep her steady so he can finish wiring up the last bit of replacement...
the ground shakes, harder than before, and it feels like the ship is off course somethings not right in the gravity
"Chewie, what the kriff?!"
Still no answer. Han slams down the piece he's working on and climbs out of the hatch to realize that he's not on the Falcon. He's not...
another wave of a shudder the ground quakes and he nearly falls back something still not right what the hell is that thing
It comes out softer than he intends. Of course he's not scared, just...worried a little bit. Not scared. He's Han Solo. He walks down the hallway.
a door slams and there's a scream
His walk slows just slightly and he reaches for his blaster. His hand comes up empty and he glances down at his holster to find it missing. This isn't good. This isn't good at all, this is...
he's laughing and then he can hear explosions, radio transmissions, red three standing by
There's a window and he looks out, only it doesn't look like a hospital, instead it looks like the black. There are no stars. Everything is void except for the flashes. Red and green in the darkness. He puts his fingers against the glass and watches.
watch it you've got one on your tail
There is a figure in the darkness. Slowly floating towards him. As it gets closer, he notices the way the skin is ripped away, burnt...
Han slams his fists against the glass. He needs a hatch, a pod, something...
take care of yourself Han, it's what your best at
a warble echoes down the hall and Han forgets about Luke's body floating among the black because he knows that cry
He runs.
he runs as fast as he can but the ground shakes and the gravity shifts and something's not right at all and it smells like burnt
He stops running.
And stares.
And then he drops to his knees and
the blaster hit him in the chest and there's hair and blood everywhere and his eyes are rolled back in his furry
But it is.
It is. And he kneels there and the hair is burnt and the blood is pooling in the cracks of the dirty tile and he can't do anything about it and there's nothing be can do to stop it.
han we could use a shot like you
"No no no no no!"
It echoes off of the walls and he turns and then is face to face with the window again, the black, and the bodies floating, the remains of Yavin IV, bits and sparkling specks and then it's just black.
Han shouts and slams his fists into the glass.
shatters into a million pieces like the planets and the stars and Vader won't be stopped until he's destroyed them all
Han shoots awake in bed and feels the sweat running down his face, and pulls himself out of bed and hurries to the fresher, where he loses what little left in his system. He can smell burnt hair and flesh and Chewie was dead and they were all dead and he...
His stomach turns again and he's sick until he falls back on the floor.
"Just a dream, Solo."
He closes his eyes and he's still sweating, and then he looks down at his hands, the shards of glass gone but the cuts all over. He hauls himself to his feet and stares in the mirror.
"What the..."
Just a dream?