The Official "Just Like Heaven" Review

Sep 16, 2005 23:50

Well, I finally got the see the movie that intrigued me so much. Megan and I saw it tonight and I had complete confidence in the fact that it was going to be the best film ever. I even defended the film to those who did not believe in its greatness.

But guess what? It was so horribly made that it was hilarious! The most annoying thing that we could find wrong with it was the music montages. Now I'm a big fan of music montages, but whoever directed this movie seemed to be even a bigger fan. He may have quite possibly been obsessed with them. Every ten minutes there was another really annoying and completely random song played in the background of them walking, talking, fighting, crying, getting drunk, etc. And, to make things worse, the songs were so loud you couldn't even hear any dialogue that might have taken place by any of the characters. Just loud random music.

Oh, and Meg and I guessed the ending about fifteen minutes into the film. She randomly threw out an idea and I immediately said, probably louder then I should have, that the was exactly how the movie was going to end! And we were right down the most minute detail. So basically after the first fifteen minutes it was all just waiting for the ending to happen.

But, despite it all, I have to say that it was one of the most enjoyable films I have seen in awhile. All because Megan and I were making ourselves crack up laughing the entire time! I just wish Northie had been able to come with us, she would have loved it too.

Also, on a completely different topic, I saw an old friend from high school today. Any of you JCA people remember Sergio? Well I was walking to school today and this car just randomly pulls up next to me on the road. I ignored them at first but then I heard someone yell "Hey Jen!". So, I looked up and noticed a guy calling to me from the car. At first I didn't recognize him and approached cautiously, but once I realized who it was I was surprised. He gave me a ride to school and we caught up as much as we could in the three minutes it took to get there. It was an interesting encounter though and it made me feel special because people actually remember me from so long ago. We made no attempt to try to exchange information, but it was nice just to catch up and then say goodbye again. Maybe I'll see him in another three and a half years, who knows?
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