
Oct 02, 2010 02:42

4th WALL BREAKING: I'd prefer it if you wouldn't. If you have a great idea though, just let me know and we'll talk about it.

THREADJACKING: I'm all for thread jacking! Though there will be times and places where I'd be against it, but for the most part I'm always open to this. Feel free to ask if you're not sure!

BACK THREADING: Not a problem. I have this bad habit of making posts and threads go on forever, so there's no reason to think any of my interactions have an expiration date.

I'm also cool with threads lasting for ages like I said. I've had threads go on for upwards of 2 months before.

MIND READING: I'm fine with this, just expect Rinoa to be kind of awkward depending on how personal the information dug up is.

LOCATION SENSING: By all means, of course!

TELEPATHY: Go ahead! Do be warned that her first reaction might be to worry about if someone's trying to possess her again.

SPECIAL/MAGICAL ITEMS: Will vary depending on the item, feel free to ask though! Chances are I'll say yes.

FIGHTING CAPABILITIES: While she might not be a match normally for a fully trained soldier/mercenary type, Rinoa's not exactly a push over on the battle field. She's skilled with her blaster edge and when you combine this with a great grasp on magic she's a decent enough fighter.

That said, Rinoa's not the sort who's easy to provoke so she's not going to go charging into fights anytime.

INJURY/DEATH: I'm fine with minor injuries and the like. Anything more than that and it's something I'd have to think about. Feel free to get in touch with me if you have an idea.

WIN/LOSE/TIE: I'm open to plotting out this sort of thing, but once again I don't think it'll come up too often.

MEDICAL/PHYSICAL INFO: Blood type B? lol, I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to put here. She's in good condition and tends to take good care of her body so physically she's doing just fine. No outstanding medical conditions or allergies to speak of either.

ROMANCE/RELATIONSHIPS: I like romance, but it's something that needs to develop naturally and not something to force.

SEXUAL RELATIONS: Not entirely against it, but it'll never be a big focus either.

PHYSICAL CONTACT: Rinoa's a very physical person. Touching, hugging, hand holding, and things of that nature are forms of interpersonal contact that she pretty much needs to function after a certain point.
So for the most part go ahead, I'm fine with just about anything. Though in warning Rinoa, herself, might not be depending on what it is.

ANY TRIGGERS/SECRETS/FACTS YOU WANT PEOPLE TO KNOW ABOUT: No triggers and I can't think of anything else to add at this moment. I'll add more later perhaps.

!permissions post, !ooc

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