Title: Hard To Say Goodbye Fandom: Star Wars Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi Prompt: Ends Word Count: 1313 Rating: NC-17 Disclaimer: If they were mine, Anakin/Obi-Wan would be canon. And graphic. Author's Notes: Beta by Microsoft Word
Well, he spoke Huttese in Episode I, and I figured if anyone knew how to swear well, it would be Anakin. Or am I missing something?
Glad you liked the ending, though. I'm always crap at writing endings to stories; I feel like they're too mushy or cliched, or something. Angst comes so easily with these two, when sometimes all I wanna write is fluff!
*marks a gold star on her hotness chart* Yay, that's one for me. XD
Comments 5
Made me want to cry. Especially considering that Anakin/Obi-Wan is my OTP when it comes to Star Wars. This is amazing hun!
Also... The sex... Obi against wall? like oooooooooooooooooowwwh. :D hottt.
One thing though: Anakin swearing in huttese? Are you sure?!? No offense, but it was a bit surprising... (or maybe I am the ignorant one ;))
Glad you liked the ending, though. I'm always crap at writing endings to stories; I feel like they're too mushy or cliched, or something. Angst comes so easily with these two, when sometimes all I wanna write is fluff!
*marks a gold star on her hotness chart* Yay, that's one for me. XD
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