Sometimes Rose (Doctor/Rose)

Jun 24, 2007 19:13

Title: Sometimes Rose
Author: rebelsaint
Rating: R
Fandom: Doctor Who, Doctor/Rose, brief mention of Doctor/Rose/Jack
Spoilers: everything from Rose to Doomsday
Summary: Rose's life before, during, and after her time with the Doctor.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Sad, ain't it?

Sometimes Rose wanted more. )

doctor/rose, ten/rose, fanfic, nine/rose, doctor who

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Comments 14

sunstar77 June 25 2007, 16:07:00 UTC
Really lovely.


rebelsaint June 26 2007, 04:46:35 UTC
Thank you. :)


akeyoftime July 7 2007, 20:29:07 UTC
It's lovely to see Rose coming to terms with the separation, so long as they're living "fantastic lives" indeed. Very appropriate. Thanks for sharing!


rebelsaint July 8 2007, 03:20:29 UTC
Thank you. I don't like to think that she sat around waiting for the Doctor to come "rescue" her, even if she did harbor hope that he could come back for her. She's too strong a woman for that.


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