Dec 27, 2011 09:25
I am the resurrection of the blog, sayeth the author.
Those who would readeth me, those it seemed dead, yet shall the blog live.
And whosever readeth and believeth in the blog, know it shall never truly die.
Real updates coming soon, and before 2013, even before 2012
I promise
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Comments 4
I've made that promise about real updates. May you do a better job keeping it than I.
and in an effort to lure you from the south I offer wings and beer. Not necessarily in that order, but in multiple layers like a Rothko painting
I'm switching my phone/number sometime between tomorrow and the end of winter break, so feel free to con-verse (you can do it reeeeel slooooowwww like and pretend you're in the south) at my gmail address, this username, before then.
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