Round 02: Challenge 02

Jan 04, 2011 08:39

I know this is a bit early, and the results from the previous challenge haven't been posted yet, but the challenge is going up for those of you who want to get your creative juices flowing!

Challenge Two: Seeing Doubles!

Alright, for this challenge you are to use more than one image - preferably not the same image, but it is still permitted - of your character in the icon. You can use as many images as you want, but it has to be more than one. And you are allowed to use the same image, though it would be more fun to use different ones, I think.

No less than two images! But don't clutter your icon! Though I don't think any of you will do that.

If further explanation is needed, or an example made, please don't hesitate!

-You must icon the character you signed up as. This is the only character allowed in your icon, unless otherwise stated.
-All icons must fit lj standards; 100x100px, 40kb or less, .jpg/.gif/.png (although .png is preferred)
-All images must be official. You can use images from the manga, anime, official scans, cardgames, etc. but no doujins or fanart are to be used
-All icons must be your own.
-Do not show your icon elsewhere or you will be disqualified.
-Skips can NOT be exchanged for extra characters this round.

All icons must be entered by Saturday, January 8th at 12:00 AM EST. But since the week has been a little hectic, it might end on Sunday, January 9th at 12:00 AM EST depending on how many entries we will recieve. Sorry for the inconvenience!

challenge 02, round 02

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