DOES THIS MEAN MARMON-SAN OWES ME ONE?xx100dontkillmeDecember 19 2008, 04:34:25 UTC
After chasing Pesto around the house (twice), he had wrestled the pup into the toilet for a bath. The dog was frisky, even in what he hated most - water, which explained why Tsuna slipped on the tiles when he was rushing to pick up his mobile. The Money Money Money (ABBA) ringtone rang like a loud hailer through the house and the brunette mentally racked his internal rolodex for a name. One random night he had sat down at the porch to personalize his ring tones, every person he knew had a different tone, not that they knew about it. Half wet, he fumbled with the buttons of his phone.
"Aiyee! UM! H-h-hello?" The brunette gushed, Pesto looking like a drowned rat pawing at his ankle. It was kind of ticklish. Tsuna bit back a squeak.
OHSHIT D=writes4moneyDecember 19 2008, 04:56:34 UTC
Marmon held the phone to his ear and sat down at the desk as he waited. The ringing was cut off and Tsuna's stammering voice answered, "Aiyee! UM! H-h-hello?"
"I'm locked in the V&A building, come let me out," he replied curtly not bothering to greet Tsuna. Then deciding that letting the other know who was calling was a good idea he add, "This is Marmon."
AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA y so cute?xx100dontkillmeDecember 19 2008, 05:09:22 UTC
Tsuna nearly dropped his phone at that voice, not that he was surprised at the demand but more of the person who was asking it of him.
"S-security locked you in? Oh no! Um... O-okay! Just err..." he trailed off. Seeing a chance, Pesto decided then to chew through the leg of his jeans.
"OUCH Pesto down! UM! Hang on! I'm on my way. Now! PESTO BAD BOY!" The brunette hung up haphazardly, forgetting to say goodbye, choosing instead to wrestle his dog into a towel and into his car all at once.
Marmon-san was waiting after all. I hope he's not afraid of dogs.
The call ended abruptly and Marmon stared at the phone in confusion for a few moments. Pesto, huh. It seemed as though he had chosen to call at a bad time, not that he really cared. All he wanted right now was to leave the building. If he believed in such things, he would have said that whatever higher being there was, was punishing him for trying to take advantage of others. But he didn't, or rather, chose not to believe it so his conscience remained unblemished.
Slinging his bag onto his shoulder, Marmon made his way back to the front doors to wait for Tsuna. He hoped the other would hurry, it was cold in the office.
"Yeah! He even built me a second floor" Tsuna chimed in, beaming. Confidently, he navigated their way to the guest room on the ground floor. In a matter of speaking yes, he's the guy with the robot. A big one, he thought.
Opening the room, he took the key off the hook from the back of the door and handed it to Marmon. "Here! Just in case you need some privacy. OH! I don't know how long you're staying so I don't have a spare house key yet so um..."
Marmon took the key from Tsuna. "Thanks, I won't stay long." Maybe. He put the key in his pocket and set his bag on the bed in the guest room. Looking around for a moment, he saw that the room was a decent size and moderately furnished. Not bad.
He turned his attention back to Tsuna, "Hey, do you have anything to eat? I'm kinda hungry since I haven't had dinner yet." Well, at least that wasn't a lie.
Tsuna had been furtively looking around, trying to see if he had left anything incriminating... well sort of, in the guest room (which he crashed in once in awhile when he got too tired to climb up the stairs). Unsatisfied, his eyes continued to dart, only to settle on a golden ball of fur. Pesto had happily settled on the bed, sitting up with his front paws, looking expectantly at him, or was it Marmon? Tsuna gave the dog the YOU'RE-GOING-TO-SLEEP-OUTSIDE look (not that it ever worked because Pesto scratched up the paint on the back door and whined like there was no tomorrow). The brunette sighed, wondering what had possessed him to keep the stray as his own.
Hearing Marmon's question, he forgot about Pesto for the moment and mentally checked off the food stuff in his fridge. "UM! No... But err... Tuna sandwiches and sausages?"
sorry my tags are getting short DXwrites4moneyDecember 21 2008, 05:18:53 UTC
Tuna sandwiches and sausages really weren't what he expected, but they were good enough. It was strange that Tsuna didn't have any food in the house though. Marmon shrugged, "Sure, that's fine."
He walked over to where the dog was sitting and picked him up. "Kitchen then?" he asked as he walked out of the room, not bothering to wait for Tsuna since he already knew where the kitchen was from his last visit to the brunette's house.
Comments 42
"Aiyee! UM! H-h-hello?" The brunette gushed, Pesto looking like a drowned rat pawing at his ankle. It was kind of ticklish. Tsuna bit back a squeak.
"I'm locked in the V&A building, come let me out," he replied curtly not bothering to greet Tsuna. Then deciding that letting the other know who was calling was a good idea he add, "This is Marmon."
"S-security locked you in? Oh no! Um... O-okay! Just err..." he trailed off. Seeing a chance, Pesto decided then to chew through the leg of his jeans.
"OUCH Pesto down! UM! Hang on! I'm on my way. Now! PESTO BAD BOY!" The brunette hung up haphazardly, forgetting to say goodbye, choosing instead to wrestle his dog into a towel and into his car all at once.
Marmon-san was waiting after all. I hope he's not afraid of dogs.
Slinging his bag onto his shoulder, Marmon made his way back to the front doors to wait for Tsuna. He hoped the other would hurry, it was cold in the office.
Opening the room, he took the key off the hook from the back of the door and handed it to Marmon. "Here! Just in case you need some privacy. OH! I don't know how long you're staying so I don't have a spare house key yet so um..."
He turned his attention back to Tsuna, "Hey, do you have anything to eat? I'm kinda hungry since I haven't had dinner yet." Well, at least that wasn't a lie.
Hearing Marmon's question, he forgot about Pesto for the moment and mentally checked off the food stuff in his fridge. "UM! No... But err... Tuna sandwiches and sausages?"
He walked over to where the dog was sitting and picked him up. "Kitchen then?" he asked as he walked out of the room, not bothering to wait for Tsuna since he already knew where the kitchen was from his last visit to the brunette's house.
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