Frequently Asked Questions
I tried to anticipate your needs and questions. If you have any other policy or general meme questions, please ask in the Comments!
What's an anonymous kink meme?
It's a place where you post ideas for fiction or art that you can't (or don't want to) complete yourself, anonymously. This is a request or prompt. Then another anonymous person will draw art or write a story based on your idea, and post it on the meme, also anonymously. This is a fill, short for filled request. A kink meme implies that the requests and fills are all adult in nature, and often feature an unusual aspect of sexuality or an unusual sex act. It is anonymous for several reasons, mostly to avoid people judging each other for the kink they request or write.
Basically, you request a pair or more characters in a certain scenario or engaging in a certain act, and hopefully someone will write or draw it for you.
What are the rules?
We only have five hard rules. Reborn-Mod thinks they are extremely easy to follow, so please speak up if you need clarification. I might not have realized the point is fuzzy.
1) Keep non-anonymous comments to a minimum.
This is an anonymous meme, please respect that.
This means that you don't post under your LiveJournal name more than you absolutely have to. Log out to post, or make sure you click the option to post Anonymously if you stay logged in. This is described below.
2) No fighting or wank.
This means that you don't argue with your fellow meme-goers. You don't disrespect them, you don't call them names or make fun of their choice of kinks or pairings. If you see someone else doing this, you get a mod's attention rather than engaging them in a fight. This meme is NOT to let people fight with each other without repercussions. This meme is a happy place filled with smut.
If people repeatedly violate this rule, we will turn on IP logging to track offenders. Don't make us do that.
3) Respect the Fill-Only Time.
We pause requests for several reasons, and disobeying that makes it harder for everyone.
The reasons for this one are described later on in this FAQ. Basically, know that Fill-Only periods are necessary for the smooth running of the meme. They will be posted on the main meme post, and we expect you to honor them.
4) Don't go past thirding.
Seconding a request is great encouragement, but it can get to be too much, too easily.
This refers to the posts after a request that just read things like "Seconded!" and "Thirded!" While some people can find this encouraging, to know someone else thinks the idea is awesome, others find them annoying as hell, because they are neither story nor comments on a story. They also take up comments, and each meme entry post only has a certain number. We get 5000 comments before you have to started entering a Captcha, and 10,000 before comments are closed. That may not seem like a lot now, but if you have a seven-comment-long story to post, and only three comments left on the entry because there's 4000 requests and 5997 "Seconded!" "Thirded!" "Fourthed!" and so on, it can be frustrating. Let's not do this.
5) Fill a request that pings you.
If you're inspired, write it or draw it, and share it with everyone!
Reborn-Mod once hoped this was pretty self-explanatory. My hopes were crushed when I had 40-pages of comments and it was almost all requests. What this rule means is that I encourage you to write or draw, regardless of your confidence or skill level. If you are inspired, let it flow. Get your pen or your keyboard or your tablet, and see what comes out. Follow the guidelines of National Novel Writing Month: Write. Don't edit, just get words out. You can always come back when you're done and fix things up, but getting the words out is the first step. If you think you suck as a writer, write anyways. You cannot improve unless you DO IT.
For instance, I should not have used "anyways" up above; it's incorrect formal English. It is acceptable in speech, but I really should have used "anyway" there. Did I let that stop me? No!
I'm new to LiveJournal. How do I make a request?
• Click "Post a new comment" underneath the meme entry.
• If you are an LJ user and logged in, choose More Options below your comment box and click "Anonymous" in the "From:" options. This will post your comment anonymously without logging you out.
• Type your request in the Message box (Subjects are helpful but not necessary). Requests should include a pairing, threesome, or more-some/orgy, and a kink.
• Click Preview if you want to preview. Check the box next to "Check spelling during preview" if you want or need to spellcheck.
• Click "Post Comment." Your prompt will appear as a new comment in the meme!
Cool. Now how do I post a fill?
• Click "Reply to this" underneath the request you wrote or drew for. This opens a comment box.
• If you are an LJ user and logged in, choose More Options below your comment box and click "Anonymous" in the "From:" options. This will post your comment anonymously without logging you out.
• Type or copy-paste your reply into the Message box (Subjects are helpful but not necessary). Remember that you can only include a certain amount of letters in that box, so your story may need to be broken into smaller parts and posted in multiple reply comments. The maximum character limit is 4,300 letter, numbers, etc. Usually you can get a few paragraphs in with this limit.
• If you are copy-pasting your reply from another file, make sure your formatting is not destroyed. For instance, text copied from Notepad includes the line breaks from wrapped text, making this stretched comment with random line breaks everywhere. It's easiest to unclick Word Wrap and THEN copy-paste your text.
• Click Preview if you want to preview. Check the box next to "Check spelling during preview" if you want or need to spellcheck.
• Click "Post Comment." Your text will appear as a new comment in the request thread!
• Repeat as necessary until your story is completely posted.
Can I claim a prompt?
Short answer: Don't bother.
Long answer: Claiming prompts is when you post a reply to a prompt that says "Claiming!" or "I'm writing this!" and expect no one else to write it. This was never a policy in any Reborn kink meme ever, and Reborn-Mod doesn't know where it came from. I've also found that most 'claimed' prompts never result in a fill, which makes me sad. So you can say you're claiming a prompt in this meme all you want, I won't stop you. But I also won't honor it. I think it defies the spirit of this meme, where all fills are treasured. We want people to write if they're inspired, not to worry about someone who was interested and then never finished.
Can I write a prompt someone else has claimed?
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: Because claiming prompts is not this meme's policy, the mods will not enforce claims. Claimers almost never follow through, as well. I am pleasantly surprised when one finally does. But for now, claimed prompts are getting readers' hopes up and them leaving them high and dry, and that's really rude when it comes to porn. Both partners should be satisfied by the end, or you are just as bad as my high school boyfriend. His nickname now is Shithead. Do you want to be Shithead?
So why should I encourage that sort of thing? If something inspires you, we want you to write or draw it!
Can I fill a dead prompt?
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: We don't have "dead" prompts. This is another concept that just showed up at some point and I have no idea why. I don't want it. Just because a prompt is more than a week old, doesn't mean we won't let you fill it. When I say we encourage ALL fills, I mean ALL FILLS. A request can be a year old, but it's still fair game to write. A request can be filled already, but we'll still read a different take. The only thing on this meme that's dead is the deceased partner in any necrophilia requests.
What are Fill-Only periods?
Short answer: When you can't make new requests so the mods can do maintenance.
Long answer: Fill-Only times are when the meme is available to read, to post fills, and to comment on filled requests. You can not post new requests during these times, and any new requests will be deleted without further discussion or warning. The dates of fill-only periods are written in the main post of the meme, under the rules. This is your warning.
The reasoning behind fill-only periods is that new requests are far more frequent than fills. They are also more time-consuming for mods to code into reference lists. Copy-pasting the links for new requests is only a tiny part of making the lists; there is also sorting them into catagories, fixing spelling, condensing the bulky requests into simple form, double-checking the code and links, and whatever else might pop up. Fills are easy to handle, and we get the fun of reading the story while we work on it! Closing the meme to requests for a short period of time, usually the last week of the month, lets the mods keep up with that sort of maintenance so the meme is easier to navigate. Basically, if you want link lists, you put up will Fill-Only time so we can make them.
Fill-Only time also gives writers a chance to work on things they may have started, without tossing new and shiny requests at them. Let's face it, we all think something's great when we start, but sometimes the inspiration disappears when something new catches our eye. I've totally done it before; anon is not alone. So by not having new things thrown at them, the writers get a chance to finish their story before the next awesome request comes along.
Can I un-anon?
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: The meme itself is anonymous, because not everyone is comfortable discussing their love of Xanxus-uke or Chrome/Trident in front of the entire fandom. If the entire meme is anon, then everyone is on the same level. There's no discrimination based on kinks, or on writing skill, or on the fan-squee in comments you make. There's no second-hand embarassment either; you can't say, "Oh man, I can't believe that girl is at it again ^^;;" if you don't know that it's the same girl. But if you're confident in yourself, you can post occassionally logged in. I say 'occassionally' because the meme is ANONYMOUS to protect everyone in it. I don't object to someone dropping a note logged in to say things like, "I'm glad you liked the story I posted!" or "You sound awesome, PM me and we can be LJ friends." But excessive logged-in posting violates Rule 1 and can make the rest of your fellow meme-goers uncomfortable, and we want this to be a comfortable place for everyone.
One nice way to de-anon for writers is to crosspost their stories to logged-in communities. If you're confident enough, post the story (please follow the other comm's posting guidelines!) with a note. I use things like, "From the kink meme" with a description of the prompt and a link to the meme, so people can comment anonymously if they want. In Reborn-Mod's opinion, this is also the best publicity for the meme, showing what great stories people write for each other here.
But... you can/might/will log IPs. How can this really be anon if you log IPs?
Short answer: IP logging is there if we need it. We haven't yet. Don't make us need it.
Long answer: IP logging was turning on at one point because all the mods were gone for three days once, and people started arguing with each other. THREE DAYS. That's not a lot of time, and I was very disappointed in everyone involved, and they were lucky this was an anonymous meme. To prevent further arguing and wank, we turned on IP logging.
IP logging is torned off for the beginning of the fourth meme. I will turn it back on if there are Rule 2 (No wank) violations. If you start shit with other meme-goers, this gives us the ability to deal with you. But we DON'T want to have to use it. Everyone has been excellent to each other since then, so Reborn-Mod hasn't had to even look at IP addresses, and I want to keep it that way. So if you follow Rule 2, you are still completely anon.