my Xmas was good my whole family went to my cousin's house and we had my grandfather come by and he was soo happy to be there with everyone. He was there the whole day and you could see he was getting tired and well he kept waking up quickly so then we wouldn't notice that he was tired and that we would bring him back because he wanted to stay. Although it was a fun time. well hopefully new years wil be fun hopefully seeing as though id ont have anything planned yet sadly, well talk tou later.
I'm good, Christmas was good, a few useful items, a few awesome items (like a new book & book mark!!), and a few items that were like, yes, I didn't need you but omg I want you now!!! I'm currently adjusting to life in my parents new house... I have my bed set up! Now to make my room look like someone sleeps there for real.
I had a weird dream and thought of you the other day, queen of weird dreams.
I was in college, possibly close to graduating, and it had all of the people from Simmons that I associate with, but then it had all these people from my High School Honors English class and a few other people who talked to these people. And it was nearing finals, and we were all writing papers and discussing them like we would in High School, and then I started saying how I was just 8 paragraphs away from finishing my paper and someone asked me what it was: I explained, rather thoroughly, that I was writing a thesis on why warriors in the middle ages didn't wear mittens.
I had a weird dream the other day with giant poultry too! My dream was set in the chicken run behind the chicken coop. My parents had decided to buy ponies, a small herd of them, and keep them in the chicken run for the time being. The ponies were lavender and pastel blue and shaped like life-sized My Little Ponies! Right down to the funny shaped mouths. Unfortunately some of the chickens had escaped. These were new hens that were larger than the ponies and came in varying shades of pink. They were doing typical escaped chicken things: clucking, scratching in the dirt, and running away from everything that moves.
Comments 9
I had a weird dream and thought of you the other day, queen of weird dreams.
I was in college, possibly close to graduating, and it had all of the people from Simmons that I associate with, but then it had all these people from my High School Honors English class and a few other people who talked to these people. And it was nearing finals, and we were all writing papers and discussing them like we would in High School, and then I started saying how I was just 8 paragraphs away from finishing my paper and someone asked me what it was: I explained, rather thoroughly, that I was writing a thesis on why warriors in the middle ages didn't wear mittens.
And I woke up going WTF??? mittens!
See you in a few weeks.
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