Gundam Wing: General Rec Table Claim: Gundam Wing: General
Prompt: 31. Discovery
Title: The Games We Play
Author: Keelywolfe
Rating: PG-13
Length: Medium
Characters: Duo Maxwell, Relena Peacecraft
Brief summary: I like the way Keelywolfe portray Relena here. She's not the fandom stereotype "psycho" but an intelligent, compassionate young woman with a talent for reading and manipulating people.
When Duo had turned up at her office, he'd been dressed neatly in the traditional Preventer's uniform, hair done up in its usual braid and looking quite as proper as she had ever seen him. The jacket hadn't made it through the first hour and was now haphazardly tossed across the back of a chair. The tie had lasted a bit longer, nearly another hour before it had joined the jacket as a crumbled ball of fabric. She wondered, with a touch of sour amusement, why he couldn't have just taken the boots off while he was getting comfortable.
The Games We Play Claim: Gundam Wing: General
Prompt: 12. Humor
Title: How to Be an Evil Overlord, or Where Treize Went Wrong
Author: Ashkara and Christy
Rating: PG-13
Length: Long
Characters: Treize Kushrenada
Brief summary: Oh God. *gasp* This is just hilarious. Funny!!! In fact, the whole Roleplaying series should bring a smile to your faces...
1. My Legions of Terror will have helmets with clear plexiglass visors, not face-concealing ones.
[T. Kushrenada wrote] My men don't wear helmets (apart from Zechs, and his is broken, sadly), and we have too many mobile suits to monitor them all at all times. I'm afraid this one will have to be left as is.
How to Be an Evil Overlord, or Where Treize Went Wrong