My Firefly Table Claim: Firefly, General Series
Title: "Aftermath"
Author: inalasahl
Characters: Mal, Jayne
Prompt: 24. Future Fic.
Rating: NC-17
Length: medium
Brief summary: After the events of Serenity obviously a lot of things changed. This fic has a really convincing theory about how Mal and Jayne were effected by the past, and how they'll deal with the future.
Link to the story:
Aftermath *
Claim: Firefly, General Series
Title: "Embracing a Life of Crime"
Author: Macha
Characters: Zoe, Wash
Prompt: 27. Beginnings.
Rating: PG-13
Length: long
Brief summary: A look at the beginning of Zoe and Wash's relationship, where they reach... a level of understanding. The fic is kinda adorable; a fun plot, very in character.
Link to the story:
Embracing a Life of Crime