New convert to the shiny goodness of SGA,
ascetic_hedony, asked for links to the good stuff. And lo, it is done.
The Newsletters/Announcement Communities:
SGA Newbie Guide on
newbieguide -- so many links, so little time.
sga_newsletter -- lists everything of relevance posted each day.
sga_noticeboard -- general announcements of fic, new comms, challenges, etc.
sgastoryfinders -- where people request lost stories, but it also works as a rec comm.
sga_flashfic -- a prolific challenge community.
atlantis_vids -- for your song-vidding needs.
the_kawoosher and the
Kawoosh! Website -- SG-1 and SGA songvids.
Cathy's Recs:
Primer for Reading SGA Fanfic by
cupidsbow -- Lots of gen as well as McShep, plus links to other resources.
I've just done major work on my rec site, and it's now much easier to filter for Stargate stories and songvids. You can access it three ways:
The feed is new, so older recs are archived in the LJ's
Memories (and here's
Stargate, with 806 recs).
Other Recs:
I've tried to focus on the reccers who don't just have McKay/Sheppard (for McShep, look in
- other (non-mcshep) recs by svmadelyn -- There's Dex/Sheppard in here!!! (And she also has a useful page of SGA Resources)
- Polyamorous Recs (click through to Atlantis) by shrift and nestra -- Gen, het, slash; limited range of authors but good hit rate.
- polyfandomrecs -- Lots of good back-catalogue, but they've moved away from SGA now.
- SG-1 and SGA Recs by amothea -- Wide range, good hit rate.
- The Slashy Awards (goes through to the Atlantis tag) by thefourthvine -- Good hit rate, enjoyable commentary.
- Stargate: Atlantis (goes through to Memories for Atlantis) on crack_van -- Variable quality, lots of range.
- stargategenrec -- Non-pairing stories and songvids, pretty good hit rate.
- And for more, especially more McShep, look through my List of Reccers, which is a collection of links to other rec sites.
- I've also recently found an awesome fandom pimping post: Pimp Post: Stargate by mklutz, which contains a precis of both SG1 and SGA, plus links to many fannish resources.
Ronon and Ford
Other Suggested Links
Happy reading!