I'll see you your 38 and raise you to 40

Apr 18, 2006 21:56

It's like going to the gym: I'll only keep it up if someone else does it along with me. Or just until I really can't think of another damned thing.

31. I stutter and trip over my tongue a fair bit. Not enough for it to be any sort of communication impairment, but often enough to make me feel stupid.

32. I feel compelled, possessed, drawn beyond my will to get up and dance around my room when WinAmp rolls over to a !!! song. No living human has ever seen this and any that does will not live to tell of it. I also air guitar righteously to many songs.

33. I was dropped on my head as a child.

34. I was concieved accidentally, out of wedlock. This has been a perverse source of pride for me since I found out about it.

35. I have a bit of a snaggletooth situation with my upper right canine & incisor. The incisor is a bit further back than it should be and the canine next to it is a bit further up my gumline than it should be. Because of this, I only grin when I'm too happy or amused to be self-conscious.

36. I used to be really into eastern mysticism. I still have a copy of the Tao Te Ching sitting on my shelf and occaisionally open it to a random passage when I'm feeling restless.

37. Heart trouble and myopia run in my paternal line. My eyesight is starting to go, and I'm probably going to have to see a doctor about my ticker before I'm 30. (My uncle Chris died of a heart attack last summer and both my dad and my uncle Rob are on pills for theirs.)

38. Most of the time I'm not content to simply walk down stairs -- I have to jump down, at least for the lower three or four steps. If I had to guess, I'd say this is part of my general impatience to get from A to B once I've made up my mind that B is worth going to.

39. I have never, ever, not even once developed a crush on a blonde.

40. I was a tea-totaler up through nearly all of high school. (Alcohol came at 17.) After much thought, I decided that the only illegal drugs that were even worth trying were hallucinogens. I haven't changed that opinion, but could never be bothered actually acquiring any, even though it would have been easy. So despite actually wanting to try the things, I never actually have bothered to. I still probably would if the opportunity presented itself to me without any effort on my part.

This is going to gnaw at me until I hit 100 now. A curse on you, Venny.
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