Title: Touch Me, I'm On Fire - NC-17

Nov 29, 2011 03:38

Title: Touch Me, I'm On Fire
Pairing: Dean(20)/Sam(16)
Rating: NC-17
Summary: After Dean get hurt in a hunt, it is Sam's turn to take care of Dean
Warning: Shameless PWP. Nots beta'd, It's 3:30am and I'm exhausted. If there's any mistakes, kindly point them out and I'll be happy to correct it!

Sam couldn’t wait until his brother and father got back from their latest hunt. He had been left alone for a little over a week; he cleaned the small apartment, finished his homework, read all of his assigned books for the next 3 weeks and he is about to crawl out of his skin. He has never been apart from his brother from this long but if he complained, his father probably would cuff him across the head or reconsider a sitter for him. He was 16, for God sakes, he didn’t need a sitter but when he had someone who was gorgeous, sexually experienced, who Sam trusted with his life and more than happy to relieve him of any tension that Sam may get, sure he got a little tense.

He got a text saying that they were going to be back at 6:00pm, the hunt didn’t go well, Dean had hit his head pretty bad and it was best for him to rest. John would head back out. It was 5:49pm. His leg was bouncing as he sat on the ridiculously uncomfortable couch, flicking through the 5 TV channels that they received.

His skin buzzed with anticipation, it was starting to feel stupid, how was his so addicted to his brother. He knew how, he wondered why. It wasn’t natural, it wasn’t right. But hey, what is natural in their lives? He didn’t care, it was the one aspect of his life where he could accept that his life wasn't normal.


Sam sighs and sinks against the couch with defeat and disappointment and within a minute, his knee begins to bounce again.

Lights suddenly dances through the cheap lace curtains and up onto the ceiling and walls. The roar of the Impala’s engine fills the air and drowns out the TV. Sam’s heart picks up and he tries - dear god, how he tries - to sit still.

There were a few awkward silent moments once the engine was turned off, muffled voices and grunts, dragging and scuffling. The metallic clank of the key unlocking the door and Sam swears he’s sweating.

“Sam?” John calls but before the word is even said, Sam is up on his feet, taking the bags, greeting his father and giving his brother an innocent, quick hug that he hopes would be in no way interpreted as incestuous. The dry, darkening blood that his caking to the skin beside Dean’s eye is almost alarming but nothing they haven’t seen before.

“Hello, sir. How’d everything go? How’s Dean?”

John is about to describe the event but Dean is quick to cut in, “Man, the ghoul was snackin’ on these two little dead kids and I’m like ‘dude, gross!’ but when I was looking at one pasty lookin’ mother fuc - ”

“Dean.” John warns.

Dean sighs, “Sorry, sir. Then it’s bitch knocked me off my feet, I hit my head of a gravestone and I’ve been seeing stars for the last two and a half hours.”

“I have to head back out and find them, they know I’m coming so I don’t know how long I’m gonna be.” John turns to Sam looking more than exhausted, always carrying the world on his shoulders. “Take care of your brother.” It’s something John has almost never said to Sam but he gets a thrill all the way down his spine that he will be looking after Dean.

“Will do, sir.”

John digs around in his pocket for a moment, “I stopped and got you some money. This should tire you over until I get back.”

And without another moment lost, John leaves.

Dean collapses onto the couch, sighing out tension and wincing in pain. Sam doesn’t hesitate to the emergency kit in the kitchen, grabbing the pain killers, a mug of water, icepacks and items to help clean the gash on his forehead.

“So apart from concussed, how are you?” Sam asks quietly as he walks back in and unloads his arms and hands onto the coffee table.

“Yeah, okay, I guess.” He says shrugging.

Sam nods, there’s a strange strain between them and he isn’t sure why. He pops two pain killers out and places them into Dean’s dirt covered hands and passes him the mug. His brother swallows them down, with a loud ‘ahhh’, resting his head back onto the couch. Sam sits so he can face his brother, pours some whiskey onto a wad of paper towel and begins to pat the wound, trying to gently persuade the dirt out of the blood.

Dean hisses and Sam jumps. The look on his brother’s face is priceless, calm, cool, glee in his eyes and a quirk to his lips, a blatant look of kindhearted, brotherly teasing. “Strung a little too tight. Hey, Sammy?”

Sam huffs out a laugh, “Let me clean you up, okay?” He catches a hole in Dean’s defense, that warm little spark he gets in his eye when Sam does something that he wants to kiss him for.

“Pass us the bottle, will ya?” Dean stretches out a hand toward the Whiskey but Sam bats it away.

“No, no alcohol until I know you’re not gonna pass out and forget to breathe.”

“Jeez, sorry.” He says with absolutely no feeling.

There’s another moment of tough tension between them before Sam mumbles, “So did you - ” He coughs. “Did you meet anyone, uhm, you know, interesting?”

Dean shrugs, “Nah, just the usual dumb hicks trying to blame Satanist’s for the crap that was going on.”

Sam nods trying his best not to purse his lips but Dean catches him slipping.

“Why?” Dean turns his head fully, giving Sam no way of lying. It should annoy Sam that Dean knows every one of his tells but honestly he doesn’t care.

“You - ” God, he’s gonna sound pathetic. “You didn’t call or anything.”

Dean rolls his lips inward for a moment, looking like he wants to collapse onto the floor and laugh at Sam. “Oh, Sammy. You’re such a big girl.”

Sam huffs and wipes Dean’s cut a little too roughly.

“Ouch, dickhead. I’m still a patient here, you’re supposed to be playing the nurse.” Dean pauses, “Nurse Samantha.”

“Fuck you.” Sam says with a huff, standing up and taking his items back into the kitchen.

“Naw, don’t be like that. You missed me.” When Sam walks back into the room Dean has the dorkiest, most annoying and yet fucking cutest, prideful smirk on his face.

Sam sighs, “Yeah okay, I missed you. I missed the feel of you.” He kneels on the couch, straddling his brother’s thighs

Dean’s eyebrows shot up, “I like where this is heading.”

“Did you miss me?”

Dean shrugs, “hmmm…” He makes a show of eyeing Sam over, roaming his hands down his sides, across his back and around his ass. “Maybe.” He says with a tight squeeze.

Sam leans down and kisses Dean, slow. He’ll never tell Dean how much he missed the big oaf but he did nonetheless.

“Mm, Sammy.”

He gently cradles his brother’s neck, being mindful of any more bruises that might be hiding under his hairline.

They kiss, slow, sucking, licking, sliding together as one. Sharing breath for a while, passing it back and forth and soon, they are rocking against one another.

“Sammy,” Dean whines. “I’m horny.”

Sam smirks at him, “It’s okay, Dean. I’m gonna take care of you.”

Dean licks his lips and looks as though he’s being treated to a free room at a 5 star hotel. “I like this a lot.”

When Sam stands up, Dean’s expression changes from ‘boy waking up on Christmas morning to find a puppy’ to ‘boy waking up on Christmas and finding a fat lump of coal’.

“Hey, hey where is my care? That’s not caring, why aren’t you caring?”

Sam places a hand on Dean’s chest and kisses him briefly, “Breathe, Dean. Relax. You have nothing to worry about. I’m going to make you feel good, I promise. You just gotta trust me.” Sam smiles at him. “Can you do that?”

Dean deflates slightly, “Yeah, I can do that.”

Sam nods, “Okay, I want you to lean forward slightly.”


“Just do as I say.”

“Ooh, Sammy.” Dean says surprised. “I like when you sound like that!” He leans forwards and Sam slips in behind him, resting his legs comfortably beside of Dean’s.

Sam takes a moment just to feel the heat of Dean’s body melt in with his own, burning him up from the core. He runs a soothing hand over Dean’s chest, feeling it twitch as he does. He tugs on the hem of his shirt.

“Take this off.”

Dean is quick to comply before he settles back against Sam’s chest. Sam lets his fingertips trail softly, teasingly over Dean’s smooth, pale, gorgeously freckled skin.

Dean hums contentedly.

Sam slowly changes his directions from up and around Dean’s abdomen to more of a southward route.

“Dean…” Sam whispers against his brother’s neck.


“Now, I want you to take your pants and underwear off. Will you do that for me?”

“Hell yes, I will.” He slides his loose fitting Jeans and dark boxers off and when he is setted once more Sam just has to take a moment to look at his brother’s stunning long body. Hard stomach muscles, pure skin only marred by the scars from the past. His cut hipbones and short, light hair trailing from his belly button to his crotch. He simply is a beautiful sight and Sam is devoted to touching every last inch.

“So gorgeous, Dean.” His brother would never let Sam say anything of the sort in any other situation but under the manipulation of Sam’s wandering hands; Dean is putty under his fingertips.

Sam caresses Dean’s inner thigh, not even near Dean’s cock which is more interested that Sam would have thought.

“Looks like you did miss me, Dean.” Sam whispers, kissing Deans neck.

“Uh- huh.” Dean is completely blissed out, opening his legs wider, inviting Sam to touch him in every hidden spot. He lets his thumbs dance along the bone connecting Dean’s legs to his public bone. Dean shudders slightly, fighting the urge to close his legs.

“Oh god, Sammy. Touch me, please. Touch me.”

“I am touching you, Dean.” Sam noses around Dean’s ears, licking the sensitive backs and lobe.

Dean whines, siding his hand to grasp his dick.

“Okay, Dean. I’ll let you do this, but on my say so. Alright?”

Dean nods.

“Slowly, Dean. Jerk off, slowly.”

Sam watches Dean’s hand slide up and pull back down, he feels his brother shudder and twitch as he traces his fingertips around Dean’s nipples.

Dean releases a tiny little ‘oh’ sound. Something surprised and completely natural.

“Good boy, Dean. You’re so good for me. I can take care of you more often, if you let me. What do you think?”

Dean nods, not really making much sense apart from the jumbled gruntingmoaningwhining sounds that are quickly escaping as his hand speeds up.

“Uh, uh, uh, Dean.” I told you that you could jerk off but you had to follow what I said.

Sam replaces Dean’s hand with his own. “My turn.” He whispers, licking a stripe across Dean’s ear and blowing cool air across it and he watches as Dean’s skin prickles.

Sam speeds up the pace, Dean almost jumps out of his skin.

“I - I thought you s - said slow.” Dean is grunting and moaning and Sam could really get the hang of this stuff.

“Well, I guess I changed my mind.” Sam jerks dean off hard and Dean is bucking towards the finish line. His hands grasp Sam’s legs, fingernails digging into the cheap denim material.

“So fucking sexy and all mine, baby. Your body is fucking amazing.” Sam spreads his free hand as wide as possible to sweep over Dean’s torso. He tweaks Dean’s nipple as he jerks him off, kissing, licking, biting, sucking at the back of his neck. He pulls Dean back, flush against his chest, gripping him there and leaving him with no place to go.

Dean rolls his head back onto Sam’s shoulder, eyes half-lidded, mouth open in absolute bliss. He looks delirious but soon Dean’s hand is slipping into Sam’s hair and twisting his head to meet his own. Kissing Dean this way is an awkward angle but the way their tongues are just flicking, twisting and sliding together makes Sam’s balls ache.

“Sam, Sammy…” Dean’s stomach tenses and Sam let’s go, let’s his hands fall away but Dean is quick to finish the job. Sam grabs Dean by the wrists and holds him down.

“Not yet.” He says calmly. “Breathe, Dean.”

Dean’s labored, short breathing soon evens out and Sam returns to running his fingertips over his body, licking his neck and sucking small bruises around the skin. It’s not like anyone will notice, they can sum it up as ‘the ghoul did it’.

“Are you ready, Dean?” Sam whispers hot across his ear.


Sam gentle cups and massages Dean’s balls for a moment until Dean is almost writhing off of the seat.

“Brace yourself.” He grasps Dean’s dark, blood filled cock and pumps harder than he thought was possible, not too tight, just the way Dean likes it. His mouth opens in shock as his hips buck and twist. He is holding onto Sam’s leg with a vice like grip and Sam loves it.

“Kiss me, Dean.”

His brother’s mouth latches onto his own as his moans and gasp and tries to keep up with Sam’s tongue.

The orgasm hits him with a bolt of lightning; Dean comes harder than Sam has ever seen it, hitting him in the face, covering his own chest and most of the way up Sam’s arm.

“Jeez, man. That was a lot, even for you.”

Once Dean recovers he is able to huff out, “Didn't touch it since the night before I left. Only do that with you, Sammy. Or occasionally in the shower but mostly with you.”

Sam smiles and kisses Dean’s neck.

“Come on, let’s have a shower and we’ll go to bed. Okay?”

Dean smiles, lazy and content, “I like Sammy taking initiative. Don’t get too used to it though, I still wear the pants in this relationship.”

Sam hops up and looks down at Dean’s naked body, “You don’t seem to be ‘wearing the pants’ now…”

“Don’t be a smart-ass. You’re not too old to put you across my knee.”

“Only if you ask me nicely.” Sam says with a wink as he offers Dean a hand and hoists him up.

Dean shudders grasping his cock. “Come on, man. Be gentle with the images, I think you broke my dick.”

Sam laughs, “I’m sure it’ll be fine.” He smacks Dean’s thigh, “If you get a good rest, we’ll give it a try tomorrow, okay?”

Dean yawns, “Tomorrow. Tomorrow sounds awesome.”

nc-17, sam/dean, pwp, supernatural

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