OOC: Profile on Malu

Jun 07, 2006 16:27

Just a little background info on everyone's favorite Ghost-Witch. The basis of this is Malu's brief bio from the Avatar trading card game; everything else (personality, history, etc.) is my own creative licsence.

Name: Malu
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Likes: Malu loves her element, and loves 'Bending. She loves flying her glider, especially, and yearns for the opportunity to be able to do that again. She also gets a kick out of playing pranks on anyone who comes too close to her mountain home, and gets particular (almost sadistic) glee out of tormenting Fire Nation soldiers.
Pet Peeves: Hiding. As a nomad Malu isn't too fond of confinement and even less of having to hide when travelers or soldiers get too close to her cave. She's most angry about not being able to fly her glider; if she were to do so she'd almost certainly be spotted and either captured or killed.
Romantic Interests: None at the moment. Romance tends to take a backseat when you're trying to survive.

History: Malu is the daughter of Aono and Niu, two Air Nomads, and was born in the Eastern Air Temple eleven years before the disappearance of the Avatar and the start of the Hundred Years War. She was eleven when Fire Lord Souzen ordered the massacre of the Air Nomads and living in the temple learning to Airbend. The Fire Nation invaded the Eastern Air Temple and killed everyone who was inside...except Malu and her mother.
Mother and daughter escaped into the mountains near the Temple, in the Earth Kingdom, and hid themselves deep in a cave. For the next two years the two of them made their home in the caves, and in the nearby forests during the summer months. Aono continued Malu's Airbender training, teaching her child how to defend herself. At night, when no one could see them, Malu also learned to fly using her mother's glider-staff.
When Malu was twelve, her world came crashing down. Two Fire Nation soldiers coming through the pass happened upon her mother while she was out gathering food. Recognizing her as an Airbender they apprehended her and dragged her back to their camp; against better judgement, Malu followed. There they interrogated Aono, trying to make her reveal the location of any other Air Nomads in the area. Aono remained silent. From the safety and concealment of a nearby tree, Malu watched as the Fire Nation soldiers interrogated, tortured and eventually murdered her mother.
After her mother's death Malu fled back to the mountain cave. She thought about leaving and going somewhere else, but the Fire Nation was extending its reach and sooner or later she'd be caught. So she decided to remain in the only home she had left, and protect it at all costs not only against the Fire Nation but anyone who strayed too far off the path and too close to her home. She did this using the Airbending techniques her mother had taught her, and over a few months' time the pass earned a reputation for being haunted.
A few days ago Malu managed to stumble across the Nexus. Among the people she met were four from her world, but there was something different about them. One girl mentioned a Fire Lord named "Ozai", a Fire Lord Malu was unfamiliar with. Although she didn't know it at the time, these people were from her world's future...100 years after the start of the war.
On her second visit to the Nexus Malu encountered former Fire Nation general Iroh, who confirmed that aside from the Avatar she was the only Airbender left. He also revealed that Souzen, the Fire Lord Malu knew of, had died many, many years before and that Ozai was Souzen's great-grandson. Shaken, Malu returned to her cave and stepped into the future [present Avatar canon]
   Good Points: Malu is generally a kind person, and somewhat playful. She is just as apt to play tricks to entertain young travelers along her path as she is to scare off the adults. She defends her home steadfastly and were she to have any friends she would probably do the same for them.
   Bad Points: Having had to live in hiding for so long, and live alone for the past year or so, Malu isn't that trusting of people. She's used to being by herself and doing for herself.
Fashion Statement: Malu wears the standard garments Air Nomads are known for: a yellow tunic with an orange cape and leggings. The edges of her skirt and cape are frayed from wear and age. Malu's cape also has a hood that she can pull up to hide her face.
Physical Appearance: Malu has light-colored skin, gray eyes and brownish-black hair. She normally keeps her hair pinned up in the back, with a little duck-tail peeking out at the top of the back of her head, and wisps of bangs frame her face. This is in contrast to other Airbending females who shaved the front halves of their heads and let the back half grow long. Malu also has no Airbender tattoos.
Anything: n/a

ooc, profile

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