recently, i had a moment related to the following that made me really ragetastical, so i appreciate this coming along right now so i can be adequately angry.
“Regurgitating every transphobic trope of the last 40 years” there are so many amazing things happening, but these are my favs:
- Instead of being a butch dyke, I’m now being told I should become a man.
- Bad things happen to women at the hands of those with penises (i.e. men).
- So why is it ok to label women as transphobic for not wanting people with penises in women-only space?
but my favfavfav forever is bit:
to me, a birth certificate is an official document issued to record someone's birth. If someone is born a certain sex and the certificate states that, then that's what happened.
well, damn. i did not know BCs were the final say on things. EXCUSE ME, EVERYONE, I HAVE TO GO MAKE SOME PHONE CALLS.
"hi, mom? i know you're on vacation and everything, but i've got some bad news... remember how, for the past 30 years, you've been telling people you have a child? you've been lying. sorry gotta go bye!"
you want to talk about birth certificates? thats where you want to go with this? really?
and they do. they really, really do. fuck your birth certificate. and while we're here, what's my birth name? it's fuck you, bitch, that's what it is.
wait, bonus rage:
this is in response to someone saying that accepting trans people is A DEATH WARRANT FOR GAYS & LESBIANS, which is fucking insane to begin with, but then:
If the medicalization of gender stereotypes continues, I worry the treatment for gay and lesbian kids will be to become the opposite sex and thus not be gay.
clearly, friend, you don't know anything about anything.
see also: WHAT
OH AND ALSO! it only just not occurred to me, like 4 hours later, that this whole 'transness is a death warrant for homosexuality!' bullshit is also homophobic.