Something Good

May 06, 2009 15:10

Tell me something.  Does anyone really want to hear something good?

Sometimes I get flack for the negative things I write in my blog.  But would anyone even read it if it were positive?  In my experience, whenever I write something happy, sure I get a few responses, but they're usually just formalities like "Oh, I'm so happy for you!" or "That's wonderful!"  Not that they aren't heartfelt comments, but they're really not all that helpful when you get right down to it.  I mean, what does that mean?  What can I do with a comment like that other than reply "Thanks!" and move on?

Also, pretend for a moment that you suck.  Now, I know it'll be harder for some than others, but stick with me here.  Pretend that you suck so much that it seems like you just can't make it in the world no matter how hard you try.  Now imagine being that sucky and reading my blog where I talk about some wonderful thing that happened to me and imagine your response to that.  Would that blog entry be helpful to you?  Sure you might get encouraged by the fact that is it possible to be happy, but you suck, remember?  Maybe you didn't ever get a chance to be in the position I'm in, so how would hearing all about how wonderful it was (or is) for me ever help you?

My point is basically that the people who enjoy reading "positive" blogs are the ones who are better off than most or just plain chronically happy.  And the most they get out of those positive blogs is enjoyment mixed with a status update at best, and a sense of superiority mixed with a status update at the worst.

Also, how positive is the Bible?  How positive was Jesus?  The fact of the matter is that we're in a broken sinful world, and we're doing good if we can keep it all together.  There really isn't a lot to rejoice about other than the fact that we're passing through.  This is mainly because even the good things of this Earth are temporary and pathetic compared to eternity, so there really isn't much point about going on about it.

So this is why I rant: I rant because it helps find and address problems.

I talk about what's bothering me in no uncertain terms.  I don't sugar coat things besides adding a little sharp humor and sarcasm here and there.  The point is to bring things out in the open that people typically don't like to deal with.  Almost everyone who reads my rants already know what I rant about, they just don't vocalize it.

Rants open up a dialogue that gets people talking, whether they be upset or humored.  I haven't met very many people who can resist the urge to immediately comment on a rant, whether it’s posting a comment, or just laughing or yelling at their computer screen and moving on with their life.

A rant demands a response and sometimes people are surprised by how they respond.  Rants help people figure out what side of the fence they sit on and once they know that, it encourages them to assess whether or not they're on the right side.  Sometimes people don't think about it for long, but there is the slightest thought, and that's all that matters to me.

The Bible talks about iron sharpening iron and I have a hard time thinking that a bunch of blog posts about sunshine and roses would accomplish that.  The picture of iron sharpening iron seems pretty violent.  Almost as violent as a rant...

Now, I'm not trying to say rants are "godly." By their nature, rants aren't meant to be gracious, which is one aspect of a rant that disqualifies it from the "godly" department.  But the fact that they lack grace, and are basically gritty and raw, is why I'm attracted to them.  Honestly, I don't feel a lot of grace in some of the topics I cover, and most are really gritty and raw, so the rant is the perfect medium to convey my feelings on the subject.

But regardless of their standing on the “godly-o-meter,” my rants are put out there to challenge people to figure out what they're thinking about my rants and why they’re thinking it.  Sure I’d prefer that everyone laughed and enjoyed my rants, but I know there are some out there who end up getting too offended to have any fun or learn anything new, and that’s a shame but there’s nothing I can do about it.  I can’t force everyone to have an open mind and if I tired to appeal to every crowd, I’d end up saying nothing at all.

Anyway, a rant can be defined as:
"Harangue: A loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion"

And bombast can be defined:
"Bombast - Pompous or pretentious talk or writing"

When I rant, I'm being perfectly honest.  I acknowledge that I feel strongly about a subject and I don't like it.  I’m also acknowledging that I’m being pretentious to think I can question life and other people.  That’s why the rant is the easiest form of writing for me.  It best suits my attitude toward some things.  I mean, would you rather I wrote cryptic songs and poems?  Or do you want to know who I am and what I think so there’s no question where we both stand?

So next time you catch one of my rants, please keep this in mind before you get all offended:  These rants are simply the ramblings of a guy who’s fed up with this broken world, who wishes he could fix everything in an instant, but realizes he can’t and that he’s just going to have to sit there and watch everything literally go to Hell, which makes him mad enough he has rant about it, and that’s all.

You really should try it sometime.  It might make you feel better.  And, who knows?  Maybe you might even laugh at a few of my snide comments...
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