I've just discovered my linux box can emulate old computers. I using software like mame, pcsx, vice, uae and dosbox I can play all the coin op, Commodore 64, Amiga and Playstation games that were popular when I was a teenager. I didn't play many games back then because we had Macs in our house, so I'm going to try to make up for lost time
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Comments 3
C64: Impossible Mission, Driller, Uridium, Spindizzy, Paradroid, Starquake, JetSet Willy II, Pharo's Curse, Jumpman, Beachhead, Pitstop II, Theatre Europe, The Last Ninja, Realms of Impossibility, Son of Blagger, The Bards Tale 1,2,3, Cauldron II, Ultima 2-5
Amiga: Nebulus, Populous, Xenon II, Speedball II, Deluxe Galaga, Lemmings
DOS: Wasteland
SNES: Final Fantasy 3-6, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Wizardry 1-6, Mario RPG
PSX: Final Fantasy 7
N64: Mario 64, Zelda: Ocarina of time, Conkers Bad Fur Day, Tetrisphere
Oh and OOlite is worth a lookin if you like Elite. It's an extensible Elite clone for Linux. Much eye-candy.
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