Why do I miss you? I don't understand why I miss you the way I do.
And as for you. Why do I still like you? Why do I miss our little talks, and how we would laugh together. I shouldn't miss you at all, or even like you. I'm stupid for even feeling this way. You were nothing but an ass, and you treated me like shit. All you did was use me, then
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Comments 2
who doyou miss?
and am i going to see you camping this year?
Who Do I Miss?
Hmm.... Hard ot say. Everyone I guess. EVeryone that i've lost, due to my own stupid doings. I can be such a bitch sometimes, and say thigns i don't really mean to say. But that is life.. right? Ijust have to keep going, and remember the friendships I used to have with people that meant a lot to me.
p.s. You're in Florida right now right? With Mike? if so, tell him I said Hello. <3 <3
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