I've been taking my sweet time wishing several folks on my f'list a Happy Birthmonth, including
darkgoddessgege , but her
post pimping fandom awards kicked my butt in gear. So without further adieu, Happy Birthmonth to the aforementioned Darkgoddess, one of my newest fandom friends, award-winning multifandom
vidder and
artist. Special praise and kudos for her
original icons featuring rarely-used images of all Buffyverse characters across the seasons, and feature clearly legible text. (This is a thing with me.) She's also administrator of the
RWSA fanfic awards. FYI: voting is still open for the RWSA Viewer's Choice and Reader's Choice categories
here. Also - nominations are now open for
Round 10 of the Wicked Awards, including a category for meta as well as new categories for fan videos; and for
Round 29 of the Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards.
ruuger , Patron Saint of Strong and Diverse Female Characters on Television; I've yet to watch Babylon 5 but when I do, it will be based entirely of her recommendation of it. She's also the admin of the
Big Damn Love Fest, the very first fandom "fest" I participated in. 2013's entries included marvelous fics, art and meta across the entire Jossverse; here's hoping for a repeat fest in 2014? *bats eyelashes hopefully*
clawofcat and
st_salieri : neither of them has been active in the fandom for some time and that's a shame; both are such marvelous and perceptive writers. I can't claim to "know" either of them but I love their work, and they hold special places in my heart because their love for Buffy Summers.
Every time I visit Clawofcat's LJ I find myself wondering why I don't spend more time there than I do. This is the only place I've found a collection of fics around the
theme of Menstruation in the Buffyverse, for instance; also has lists of rich, rewarding fic recs, and her own wonderful fics (Faith/Dawn, Spuffy, and almost any Buffyverse pairing you can imagine).
"Burn Marks" , and
"Beneath Us" are richly evocative and among my favorite fics in this 'verse. Melancholy, regret, madness, desperation, hope and deep wells of compassion for Buffy and Spike, what they put themselves and one another through, before miraculously coming out on the other side. Stunning.
"Just A Normal Girl: The Seven Lessons of Being Buffy" was one of the first (and few) fics that took pride of place as a printed copy by my bedside when I first got into this fandom. I mainly think of her as one of
the funniest writers in this fandom, who actually makes me laugh out loud:
"Buffy's List" (pros and cons of loving Spike):
"The Angel Chart" (Wesley and Cordy map out Angel's various relationships. Angel is not amused);
"The Diary of Angelus the Great" (biggest drama queen in history). Then she wrote
"In Mediuss Tridum" (set during Chosen) and broke my fucking heart.