Amnesiac2005: ever heard of the concept that all pop music can be condensed into one minute iHateMikeForino: no iHateMikeForino: sounds like a reasonable concept Amnesiac2005: so you could release a 40 song album that clocks at 40 minutes and if you only told the listenr to put the CD on repete for three times each song it would expand three fold? Amnesiac2005: think about it Amnesiac2005: its brilliant!
Comments 19
thanks for calling me to tell me you were back :[
Amnesiac2005: ever heard of the concept that all pop music can be condensed into one minute
iHateMikeForino: no
iHateMikeForino: sounds like a reasonable concept
Amnesiac2005: so you could release a 40 song album that clocks at 40 minutes and if you only told the listenr to put the CD on repete for three times each song it would expand three fold?
Amnesiac2005: think about it
Amnesiac2005: its brilliant!
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