Alright, alright so I haven't been updating lately, Sue me! I've been working 9-5 everyday, So here's a little
Tomarrow I'm going to NY with Ralphie and some others, sound be a really great time. Yesterday I went out to dinner with some people and bothered Ralph at work after I left mine, I also went and go him dinner. Monday We are going to look at an apartment, I'm so excited! It looks so gorgeous in the pictures online, but you never know.. We aren't thinking about moving until Sept but def looking seriously, Ralph is getting a full time job before the end of summer which is a major reason we are waiting.. Call us crazy, we don't care! Go
Look at it ! Well now that I'm all graduated, I don't feel different, but I'm so excited to have a full time job and be able to feel secure and know that I can get this apartment, and that I'm going to successed. Other than that nothing really worth writting has been happening, Just working and chillaxin'! I love getting up for work every morning, having Ralph come visit me, leaving work, going home for a little while and then going to his work and then going out, its the greatest thing in the world to me, yet its so bismal.. lol =] Ok, enough. I have work to do, Update another day about NY tomarrow, Much Love <33